Sunday, September 25, 2005
sian sian sian...ah!!!!! after prelims so com until so tired... sian arx!!! JIU MING!!! anyway...ytd was quite a erm...shocking day?? chatted with a guy..also known as gary..* is nt tt gary larx.. dont think erm... * then....there goes the shocking cum funny thing which make me almost brust out laughing loud...and i mean it! haaax...told min abt it...cus it has something gt to do wif her... * guy ur dun come pester mi abt it horx, your wan your ask min...hehe* =P... told her abt it... she was speechless sia...haax... okie... shall stop here.. before ur throw rotten egg at me sia!! huaoiz!
10:44 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, September 23, 2005
3:23 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, September 22, 2005
yahoo!!!!!!!! prelims is fianlly finally over happy!!!! but horx...prelims over le, O's is also advancing sia...* sian lorx * the rest good lorx can go ice skate...poor me, sitting in front of com dont know what to do sia...haix..... * poutx * but nvm, i will go after the O's lorx...hehe...then no body will control me le....why?? cause i am free...wheee...haax...paiseh...too happy liao...going siao le~~~
so now..thinking what i shld do... hm...maybe go play com game bah...haix...why is my life kinda of boring now?? * sausage lipss.. *
haix~~~ last time was full of "exciting" dotx... "so many things to do . so little time.." it dont suits me @ all... AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
okie enough of all this crap le...gtg buaiz...
1:59 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, September 19, 2005
yoz!!! back~~~ okie...i shldnt be updating now, but due to jy request...*she claim that no entry = boring..* -_-""... so still having a-math is a gone case liao...not putting much hope in it..haix...hopefully it wouldnt fail until soooo badly bah..*crossing my finger* Qt told us that ms yeo gave birth last sat le *17/9...ehh..same as derrick sia...lolx* guess going to visit her after my horrible prelims bah??..
one more thing i finally know how to tiao C'est Si Bon by 5566...*it is not that gd.but betta then nthing* the credit goes to beckybec...hehe... luv u *mauckx*...
something for ya to see :

4:14 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, September 09, 2005 went to have sushi with may, joyce and full sia!!!! omg!* min thanks to you, i still have that too-pid smell on me sia!* hm... prelim coming...sian arx...seems like this few day nothing to update sia...haix... sian diao...hopefully i can find my concentration back soon and study for my prelim...kk...
For my friends..thanks..haax...just feeling down and tired at the moment...i cannt say that YH will return is just that i am already xin hui yi leng...hiax
11:21 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, September 04, 2005 regarding to xp comment about the so-called friend thing...well, i have nothing to say...something,what friends did at that moment might just led us to think that way isnt it??justlike jy, she didnt believe that we care for her...she didnt believe that we treat her as friend rite?isnt this enough to show that what our friends did will lead us to think this way??
the feeling part....just wanted to say that if your never give me a chance to say in the first place, how should i say? who should i say to? True, no one can predict my one could, but i am sure somehow, you can notice that i am not feeling good right?? if your did not, is it because i hide my feeling too well or your are not that observant enough??
even if i cry, so what??!! no one cares!!!!!!! will your ever ask me why i cried???? did your know things did not go well for me in sec 3??did ur even realise it?? no...nobody asked me about it...even if i cried i am still alone...alone... can your really say that your have stepped into my world? I can give your the answer... No!!! so what if i ever give your the chance to understand what i am thinking...will your ever notice it??
did your ever realise that at a pt in and bec is having problems??? min jie...did you ever notice it?? you sit with me during sch, did you ever realise that i am down?? did you?? i try i care for all of you...did your ever appretiate it? did your?? i think all of you think that it is bullshit rite?? my care is not worth of any value at all,isnt it?? to your, i think i am just someone that is like a sparetyre....when your are lonely,sad, your may think of me...but when your are having fun...will ya ever think of me??????????? just tell me the truth........i am really veri tired......
i try so hard...did your notice it?? did your ever realise that i am not someone i appear to be infront of your?i am just girl...a girl who need someone to be with me...i am not someone who is so happy go lucky as your think i am...
i am just a fat girl who dont have so much confident in myself understand??? i am not like your...i dont have someone to lend me their shoulder understand?? that's why i always choose to escape from reality... that's why i always say i felt lonely...because non of you...not even bec will ever understand what i need to go through in my one...
i am really tired of all this...can someone just teach me what to do??...
3:04 PM sprinklinq love Y
hm...firstly, want to thanks bec and her parent for giving us a treat at K-Box to celebrate her birthday... hehe, had a wonderful day sia! *mauckx*
2:40 PM sprinklinq love Y