Saturday, October 22, 2005
First i wan to say... pardon me for my super lao yan grammer...*lolx*.. shortform.. sentence construction.. and definitely my singlish.. actually i tot of writing in chinese de... but.. *laughs* So here comes the so-called story~~ *Drum Rolls*
It was like 3 yrs coming to 4 yrs since I first step into Kranji.. I remeber i was like the last one to reach the HALL where we need to report at..I still remember, Mrs. Clark was giving us a WELCOME talk bah… I vividly remember that I was sitting behind Jason Wong bah… *deep impression => he very de dark..* Then we need to go back to our Sec 1 Class, May was my first partner as we return back. I can’t remember who the teacher who led us back was, perhaps the rest could remember? *haax* Whatever it is, the only Greenridgean in my class was Jy.. You can’t imagine how happy I was when I found out that she was in my class as well! *surprise* As for the rest, no impression lorx. that was how I met my first erm.. friend?? *not really as we know each other since primary four*
The first day in school, I am sure it is one of the more exciting part of school life for most of us, why? need to choose our sitting, that’s why. I chose a sit beside this girl, she has short hair, wear spec *look kind to me*.. never did I expect that I was right doing so, haax.. She is Yun Quan.. She is my FIRST best buddy in the school *not including JY* In the first few weeks, I cant figure out how to pronounce her name until I saw her Chinese name lorx.. *hopeless* From then on, we became wu hua bu shou de friend.. the we join choir together.. with Cassandra, Xianping, Rebecca, Minjie.. I only get to know them after ½ a year in school…Got to know Cassandra and Rebecca first… At that time, wherever we go, we would always be in four.. It was until in choir we started to know the rest. One more thing to add on… I was the one who led them to CCK MRT station when we went home together the first time! *proud*
In the choir, we got to know a guy.. NO. 4 *shi hao*. In the beginning, all four of us don’t like him! That’s because he always bully Cassandra and Rebecca *-___-||* Every time, I would always beat him if he bully Cassandra, or should I say pull her hair?? *qian da* But then maybe because of this, wo men bu da bu xiang shi!! haax.. Gradually we became friends… During Secondary 2, there were another few girls who are rather close to us… => Cui Wen, Ji Rong..
Soon, the seven of us became super good, we would always go to one place together de.. We even form the Seven Sister Gang.. haax.. => Cassandra, Xian Ping, Rebecca, Yun Quan, Jing Ying, Me and Min Jie. Together with Darrell, Shawn, Shi Hao, Yuling and Rachel… “Ta-da!!! the big groups of friend was form!!! “ muhaax… that was how we met… how we get together, I know I have cut short lots of things… but cant help it..i cant let your *reader* know too much, if not they will kill me de!!!
3:08 PM sprinklinq love Y
Ytd was our practical exam.. Hm... reach school rather early cause it was a normal school day..lolx..but then the school was extremely quiet..why? => Marking Day.. no school for the other levels except for my class and sec 5 de..
so went in to the lab... chua dio..lolx, saw the wooden plank and retort stand lorx... scared.. but then later found out hm, the question is still do-able lorx.. so chemistry =>blehx, though my final answer are same as my friends de larx, but i scared we are wrong * crossing finger * so went to AVA for quarrantine * aiya!! forgt how to spell lax!! someone correct me pls..* lorx.. 4HRS!!! my god... then play Bingo with bec and May while waiting for min * 2nd Shift * all right, i know i am wasting time there, but how can i resist the temptation to play with my friends??
Then ms suryiyani scolded us... dont want to mention it le.. >.<... all i can say is, somehow they derserve it bah... who ask them to bring?? * no offence to anyone *so.. no point cursing the cher' for doing so lorx...
got back my dreadful report book back today... * shake head * BAD!!! hiax.. nvm, just nu li in O bah~~ loxl.. all rite shall end here..
1:47 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, October 15, 2005
hmm... so had my second prelims...* not really..* Although it is nt e full paper larx.. lolx... ya..that's all, still busy with my studies and things... left with onli 2 weeks to chiong.. so.. gonna work hard for it!! yesh... some pic to share with u guys.. Ps... i dont look good... => too fat.. lolx
This was taken during Bec B'dae treat..

another one..

why is there ghost arnd?? any idea who are they??

someone save me pls??

Gosh!! they are so scary!!

Look here!!

some of my best butt
9:24 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Having a blog is not something dumb and stupid right??? Why are you so afraid to let other knows abt it??!!* Jy, not refering to you* If you are really afraid that SOMEONE will read yours, fine! Dont tell others about it!! Don't let other link you up!!!! Here, I am offering my help to you to do the dumb, stupid tag-board... there you are telling me that it is not yours??!! That you dont have one?? What do you mean by this?? You don't want me to know abt your blog?? Maybe i am just to nosy to want to help you!! Ya, you can just ask Reisha to help you..!! Who am I to help you with this complicated thing??
I admit, i am just being stupid to think that you will tell me about it!! Even your OD... i need to find it myself... Ya, you may say that this is a online DIARY!! It contain your personal feelings and things, you do not wish that your THINGs will be known then, pls, dont let others, esp. your friends know that you have one!!
In conclusion, I am just being KPO... Why did i went to read Old Man blog?? Why did i have to chance upon your link?? WHY?? Maybe this is the consequence of being KPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I learn my lesson le....
5:55 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, October 07, 2005
okie, i knew that i have not update my blog for a very looooong time...i know all of your are hoping that i will today i am here to fulfill your wishes * dodging rotten eggs * So went for the night self study on tue and thru... okie larx, quite fulfilling, manage to complete my work...haax.. but honestly, it is super tired lorx, it was like i reached home at 10pm, bath, slp... lolx.. *pig*..then next morning cont' to study... *>.<*..anyway, thank goodness that it will only last for another 3 weeks or so, if nt i think i am breaking down soon..*pulling my hair* everyday become a so-called rountine for me...including facing friends problems...*is there such a word?? never mind i shall invent it myself!*
hiax... it is like ever since what happen btw the both of them, problems *trouble* start to happen... hiax..*speechless* perhaps many of you may think that i very bo liao, such things also need to worry about... ya.. indeed i am bo liao..
no offences all right?
someone in the gang have been saying the rest are engross in each other "best friends"... so can i ask that someone... what is your definination of "best friends" then? you are forced to smile when u dun feel like doing so... well, just dun smile! it wont kill u nt to smile if u dun feel like... why must you force urself?? funny..
i dont know what have gotten into you... maybe you started to drift further apart frm us?? i dont know... neither do the rest... just wanna say, they are concern abt u... it is really up to you if you still want this friendship a nt.. nobody is forcing u... afterall, we will brgoing on our own path after this few months...
so... i dont know... i guess this is one of the most wonderful yet pathetic friendship i have with u guys.. haax..
10:58 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, October 01, 2005
all right, got back my stew-pid bad, lousy prelim result a few days ago..hiax... it just sux lorx.. 28!!!! gosh!! where can i go with this pathetic score?? haix.. maybe MI bah... lolx... maybe bah.. well, getting lots of stress nowaday... =X, with the night study coming along, hiax, i simply cant take off any time for my fav. hobby -> chi-novel...haxx... i know my O's chi is finish bt....i simply cant let go off my precious chi man!! saw my kor ytd...haax, nb change sia...but frankly speaking red and black look weird...well, weird colour combination bah... haax.. anyway, O's really coming le... hiax.. chu le stress hai shi stress... but i know i can do it de!! yes!!! jia you!!
btw, my dearest form teacher Ms YEO gave birth to a little boy boy le...beri de cute... big big eyes de... haax.. cant wait to see him in reality instead of photo nia... YUPZ... during our chalet bah!!
12:03 PM sprinklinq love Y