Wednesday, December 28, 2005
okie... so today went out and watch Narnia with my friends... they are.... Yun Quan... Min Jie... Jing ying... Shawn... Yuling... Darrell... and Xian Ping.. *she didnt watch the show... she went to orchard library instead, cus she say Narnia nt nice to watch * So met them except Yuling for lunch at Lot 1...ate for quite some time... lolx.. set off at 12.30om...when darrell realise that he is meeting Yuling at 12.30 at somerset... * shake head * he seriously have no time management man!
so took 190 there...once again... we alighted at the wrong stop..and we had to walk all the way to cine...sian..... reach there almost 1.40...left only 1st two row de seat... okie... so someone say this ------>
" huh, i dont want to take the front seat... "
" okie...hmm... why not we go over to PS instead?? since we have like 20 mins left?? "
" okie... but will it be very long?? will we be able to get there in time..."
" ya.. cus it is like one MRT station apart..."
okie... due to this conver... we rush to PS... like MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can consider running all the way there... to the MRT station and to GV inside PS...
cont of conver when we reach GV....--------->
" AAAHH!!!!!!! The ticket is sold out for 2pm de.... the next show is 3pm de... how?? "
" where gt?? it only show that the ticket is selling fast nia... where gt sold out?? you gt see properly a nt?? "
" Oh ya horx.... " and then off he go zooming back to the ticket counter...
" hmmm... so 2pm de left only 1st two row of seat also...but very separated... then 3pm de also left 1st row!!!!!! but can sit in 5, 2... "
" okie... we take the 3pm show... "
end of the adv. of purchasing tickets for 7 pple to watch Narinia... so we rot at the arcard for abt 45mins b4 we gt into the cinema... wait for all the adv to end... ya... ------> Warrior is the best man!!!!! * he is the king of the king!! *
before we go home... my shoe was spolit... thanks to all the running in the afternoon!!! so uses the faster and safer transport back hm... lolx... together with min... share the cost with her.. * diffculty in walking man! * yupx... that's all...
something special to mention... regarding to why Zor, Bec and Shi Hao nt appearing... ---------> this is because... zor had overslept and she scared she not able to come in time... thus saying she dont want to go... * make us wait for 15 mins!!!!!!!! *
bec reason is -------> nah... so far... i nt going le... anyway, i also dont have money liao... okie.. but i met her when i on my way going to CCK larx.... lolx... very qiao... * as to why she is there... i am nt going to reveal it.. loxl... ask her yourself *
Shi hao reason ----------> i have hurt my waist and i cant walk... *lolx... * ya.. that's why... but horx.. his mum say his is lying lorx... so who is telling the truth... * seriously, i have no idea... but i will investigate de... together with yunquan's help...lolx * ya...
YQ!!!!!! Thanks for the photo!!!!! hehehe....
Narnia quite nice to watch although i prefer King Kong!!!!! gtg... cya !
11:31 PM sprinklinq love Y
yox!!!!!!!!! back again..hehe... type this during Mapling session... while min com is lagging..lolx... so... this year christmas nt that nice lorx... nt so many wishes as compare to last year..... haix... anyway... during that 3 day holiday... my parent went to Genting again.... * how i wish i can go too *... sian larx... but the good thing is that i gt to play Maple until 3++ in the morning lorx...lolx... then countdown with my friends in MSN conver... lolx... it was a mess!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! then we was trying to discuss abt our outing lorx... sian diao... we are practically talking crap lorx... lolx... everything ended up in a mess lorx... kua~kua~kua~... so my advice... never ever held a discussion with more than 6 person in it... lolx... because in conclusion... you will ended up nt knowing what you are doing... lolx... ya... that's all... i wish i have sign up for SCV!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG... i am addicted to it sia
10:52 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, December 24, 2005
9:47 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 23, 2005
okie... this post is dedicated to JING YING!!!! cux she asked me to update as i haven done so for quite a few day.. actually this few day nth to blog leh... except for mapling lorx....... met a lvl 4 gal just 2 days ago *wonder what is she doing at Victoria Island.. * then party with her lorx.. help her to lvl up to lvl 5... lolx... she keep dieing.. brought her to the slime dungeon... and she still gt kill??!! OMG larx.. haix.. then I give her 15 red pots.. she dont know how to use!!! OMG larx, waste my money, waste my red pots sia... then i told her to lead me to the place where she want to train.. * cux she keep saying change place.. * guess where she bring me and my cousin * lvl 25 mage * to??
kerning city... intially, we tot she want to go kill octopus de... * wishful thinking *... in the end, we end up killing SNAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diaos.. sian lorx.. it is like the exp pt need to divide within er... 3 pple??? haix.. then told her we going off and change chn lorx.. lolx... * Somebody : your very bad lehx!!! * but that is not the best part... in maple right, you can use scroll to travel to town... it is definitely cheaper than cab... i actually offer her the scroll at 600 ya?? * i needa some profit too... * you know what she say?? ---> nono... i want to take cab... sian!! she very 'cute' horx?? * i can hear min jie singing ---> kua~kua~kua~ * ya..that's all...
Ps. jy... are you happy now?? lolxx
12:29 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, December 22, 2005
okie..just had my birthday er..4 days ago... ytd was min... Congra min jie... you are FINALLY 16...lolx.. can watch NC-16 liao..~~
I love my present... got a big teddy from Shawn/KOR/Quan/ZOR/Yuling/Darrell and XP... A pair of BLUE teddy from Bec and her mei... One half-frame spec from my mummi... * and the cake too * A Winnie The Pooh cup from my cousin... er... maybe $20 cash from my another cousin... and perhaps earring from Shi Hao...PS... JY you didnt give me my present!!!!
* sobx *
* Wail *
* CRy out loud!!!! * Waiting for you to give it to me okie?? lolx...
last but not least.. lots and lots and lots of birthday wishes!!!! Foe eg. Mac/NKF/ and friends.. surprisingly... my kor send me a sms...=D lolx.. but horx.. someone forgt totally abt it!! awww... i tot she would remember de.. * sobx *
okie...enough of my birthday... so when to eat Suki Sushi with zor/quan/min and shawn.. eat for abt 1/1/2 hrs... fun..interesting..bloated...
almost threw up after eating all sushi.. loxl.. went to Arcrad * did i gt it right?? * hehe.. play racing and Virtal Cops... * well, they play to be exact * Fun sia... shall not elaborate then...
all right.. gota go!! buazi!
1:46 AM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, December 18, 2005
The tears will fall. The pain will decrease. It takes time, to have your heart come to peace. And when peace comes, you’ll realize somewhere, someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer.
Isnt this meaningful??How true huh?? Like what some say... Time will heal everything.. Time will also heal heart that are being broken into pieces.. So.. to those who have stumble upon my dairy..and The heart is Bleeding.. * i hope not... * remember this bah... somewhere out there... then will be someone waiting and searching wholeheartly for you..and only you.. =D...
Jia You bah... to all those who is still searching for the SPECIAL ONE!!!
6:34 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, December 17, 2005
okie...i am back for again!!!lolx... this time wtih two pictures... hehe... some of my favourite soft toys... Whaaa... all of them are present from my friends... =D... hehehe...

cute a nt??
Ps... for those who are thinking what to gt for me for up upcoming B-Day... your may want to buy teddy bear?? or anything that can decorate my Table... One condition!!! ------> they must be cute... it may not be big, but the thought are IMPORTANT!!!! lolx...
1:06 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 16, 2005
hEY... IT SEEMS thAT it been a long time that i get really u know... er.. personnal le.. ya?? After reading his erm, diary.. i realise even though in term of * term u address ur realative... i dont know what it is call.. * we are quite close.. but in actual fact..we are not lorx.. i dont know if i really made a right choice one yr and erm... maybe 9 months??... it seem to be a choice in my confusion state.. or perhaps.. influence by someone?? or perhaps i am just trying to get close to him through that way?? I admit... i wasnt thinking right at that point in time...
Time and again, i wanted to show my concern..but it seem that it goes down the drain... haix..if only he can take some time off... and reply me.. * duh!!*
MAybe all this is just one-sided...he bo bian de... he is stuck with the term... he dont really...haix..
gtg le..
12:51 AM sprinklinq love Y
On tue... went to Bishan Junction Open Plaza to check out the Campus Superstar thing de... oh god!! so many pple!!! diaoz! nth to say...stay for a while then go shopping with min, quan and jy...
at first very fun de... but i the end... well... i think something happen larx.. the whole feel spoilt le.. aiya... dont wish to mention it again... perhaps.. if i were given a choice again... i will never give it up agian... i am regreting!!!
12:47 AM sprinklinq love Y
All went to K-Box with my Friends...sadly only 6 of us went..the rest was either oversea, out, or simply no reply.. * how irresponsible!! *
Had a enjoyable Day... little did i know they had already bought my Present.. the teddy bear!! Thanks guys! love it very much!! =D... The bear was quite ex bah... judging frm the shall take photo... * i know... i shall take the photo of all my favourite photo and place it here...lolx *
So stay till quite late..some funny things happen... me, bec and quan hid zor's hp mah... then she cant find it lorx..then the 3 of us was like laughing lorx..guess where i put?? inside my present.. i mean the present larx.. loxl...
hmm..that's all... buazi
12:33 AM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 09, 2005
Okie.. it is 12.30am now...lolx... just finish mapling... remember that i mention about the "Him" in my chalet entry?? hmm... confuse feeling sia.. lolx.. the feeling 4 yrs back then have return once again!... AAAHHH!!! i dont know what to do.. haix..
Ps.. bec, i think something is wrong with kor bah.. check out his Diary ya??
12:31 AM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Yox!!! Back once again... Ps. I did not went to Genting again all right?? But just some shopping centre in M'sia with my uncle, mum, grandma and cousin!!! hehe... bought a keychain * dog, though my parent keep saying it is BEAR *... some stickers.. happy! Well, what can i say? My mum pay for all the things... But very sorry to Dar, Shawn, Yq and Xp... paiseh them the day before.. actually agree to play mahjong de.. but then, cant resist the temptation of shopping ya?
Next is.. erm... Swimming on tuesday with my dearest friends... Min, Yq, XP, Bec, Jy..too bad, zor need to take care of her young sis and yuling needa go out with Dar.. if not, it will be even more fun!! One thing to say -----------> i will never ever learn my lesson de... didnt put sunblock lotion as usual.. what is the point when it is of no use at all?? Bec, Jy, Quan put it..but nt the face.. =_=||.. so play until arnd 3++ before we decide it is enough.. anyway, by that time our face are burning.. loxl... that's conclude my journey to the pool... hehe... then tio sunburn of course... like i say earlier.. i WILL NEVER learn my lesson...
Today went to east Coast Park with Bec, Jy, Bec sis, Bec cousin... * siao *..i admit i am mad...sunburn le still go cycling... =_=||... so cycle for 2 hrs .... when we want to go back... dotx, we lose our way!!! oh man!!!!!!! KNS larx... all that bec fault! ask me to go east coast!!!!! shld have persuade her to change her mind and go to pasir ris de!!! dotx.. i am so stew-pid!!!!haix.. what done is done.. anyway, not going to east coast le larx, unless someone is willin to drive me there? and fetch me back... muhhaaaa... * W L^2, i know! * hehe... all right shall stop at here...
erm... this is a cooked lobster updating... thinking why is Maplestory not Avabile!!!! ahhh... okie.. i am addicted to Maple... dotx.. that's because i am bored!!!! Super BORED~~~~ anyone got job to intro?? call or sms me lehx..
10:00 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 02, 2005
Yox!!! Guys I am back!!! hehe.. did ya miss me?? I know i have been MIA * aka Missing in Action * for quite a while... so here i am to blog about my Grad Night... * it is a bit late though *
So on Monday... * 28/11/05 * Min came to my house at around 1pm... We need to do the mask thing... * she dont know how to do mah... that's why.. * Then when we take down the sticky yucky mask le... our whole face was white!!!!! Gosh! Panic sia... then uses hot water to wipe our face lorx.. luckily the hot water does the trick... lolx.. then arnd 3+ the rest came.. ya.. and my house becme a mess... dotx.. their things was all around my house neh.. * should have take a photo of it sia!! * then we put on our make up lorx... * bad experience... * like mad like that.. thank god my mum is there to help us sia... lolx...
so after all the make up thing... went to hail two taxi lorx.. we have seven gals.. bo bian! need to rush there before 6 to meet darrell...
something to say... darrell looks great that night... * practically everyone look great! *
then the whole dinner proceed with lots of laughter!... won a table prize that is 10 boxes of Chocolate... and darrell supper lucky neh..won a MP3!!!!! not fair!!! ahhh , i also want one!!
okie larx...shall not elaborate more on it.. haax, afterall, it is my memorable memories... tell too much le jiu no fun!! yupx.. some pic for ya... =D
One of my very very precious Group Photo... taken by Darrell
All seven of us... =D... The Qi jie mei gang!!!
Another one... but without me... of course larx! i am taking their photo mah!!! =_=||
Yunquan and Shi hao... They very _______________ * fill in the blank yourself *... i didnt say anything right?
Da Lai and Xiao Lai... * giggle * Ms Lai!!!! the teacher we love most!!!
Jy with her dearest Granny.... Ah zor!! ehh... hoe come granny joining in the Grad night?? whatever larx..
Me and Min jie....Together with two of my very chio classmate!!! Baoting and Serene... they chio right??
Xianping and Shu hui... Awww, i love shu hui dress!!!!! very unique...i want it!!!
lastly... mi and my Pri 4 classmate... weifen... another chio bu here... hehehe
okie... that's all guys.. hope ya like it!
3:54 PM sprinklinq love Y