Thursday, March 30, 2006
6:50 PM sprinklinq love Y
This one is one of the few neoprint i took with min... * i miss that time... NP *

This one is when i clear my folder... i decided to combine the pix in the past and now... see carefully... haax.. wonderful time!

Too small to see right?!?! nah.. the link.. Click
5:37 PM sprinklinq love Y
Okie.. as i say.. i will be updating abt the sat outing.. Gosh!! i still have lots of photo waiting for me to edit sia!! @_@.. So on last Saturday.. 25/3/06.. we went to darrell house to watch the BBM. ^^ Buy lots of drink and snack * Provided by me and sh * So.. wait for zor and jy, thus we * me, bec, darrell, yuling and shawn * decided to play 21. hm, i think i lose money bah.. then sh ask us to watch youtube, miss swan!! ==> i will tell you everything, he looks like a man. seriously, she is sooo much better than Mr. Bean lorx!! lolx.. Then zor and jy lai le.. something happen... * dont wish to mention *...
Watch BBM.. It is either the Cd itself gt problem.. or it is because of the Tv or the light or my eyes... i cant see anything lorx!! it was in pitch black at some of the so-call climax!!!! GOSH! The only thing i can see on the TV is that we pigged infront of the TV... * our reflection * lolx... i know, it is lame.. so, the whole show bored us out and we went to watch some clips.. hmmm * la chang!! *.. lolx the girls shld understand what i mean.. - giggle -
After all the screaming laughing... etc, we went to watch emily rose.. That SH horX!! go and scare yuling... $#^^%&&%* stew-pid.. lolx..
All in all, the outing went well!!! PS~! this sat is april le, new month... any suggestion as to go where?! Choose somewhere cheaper pls?! i dont mind going ecp to cycle again... lolx
4:23 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, March 26, 2006
5:26 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, March 24, 2006
Great!!! just come back frm genting nt long... and i am sick.... * 53^%#&%$ *... sian ji pua lorx.... wont mention what happen in details though! very tired... not feeling well now... anyway, jy close her blog i guess... hais... whatever it is ... jy!!!!!!!!!! you must tag me!!! must!!!
3:36 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, March 17, 2006
So this entry may piss some pple off... and i mean it! so if you dont wish to read this damn entry, go away! But if you want to read... then dont make those irritating and bloody comments on my preious taggie!! Anyway, it is rather vulgar! lol... for the ice-skating entry, scroll down somemore! ^^hmm.. so... chat with zor and min on conference ytd night till 12++... realise that, there is something wrong with the gang.. * not arrowing at a specify person * it is like... more and more are not gtting sensitive enough! ===> refer to my old bloggie!... and this specially refer to what happen ytd night! --> me super,extremely,damn pissing off with someone!
I say before and i am going to repeat it again!
1st ---> To keep this rather big friendship going on is a tough work! And to keep it working! ---> we must be sensitive to each other feeling!
2nd ---> Dont always talk and no action! * seriously, if help is given... pple might feel better, instead of some non-constructing comments *
3rd ---> pls think for the rest! * you are not our everything! Ps... jy nt refering to u! ^^ *
The outing for today, we plan for three weeks!!!! Damn freaking three weeks! Can anyone imagine that?! And because of one stew-pid, and insenstive comment, it almost cause our effort to go down the damn drain lorx! Freak hell! Come on larx! you not going your problem right?!?!?! You dont have to make our effort almost go down the drain lorx! Damn You!!!!!!!!!!!!! You gt problem/ lesson that day too bad lorx!!!! it is not as if we know larx! Anyway, you pah seng us one time le... so this is the get back time lorx! I AM NOT BEEN PETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sickening toad!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! Yes! i am not afraid what happen the year before or last yr to happen again! I AM NOT! DONT TRY ME! I am going to write out what i am unhappy with for now lorx! Idol... your idol face selling! * 3$^$#^%&^%$* *... I know... i may get condemn after publishing this entry... but i heck le! if ya want condemn then go ahead! * super fed-up now *
As i say many times~~! some may even memorise this sentence * lol * ==> I can be very nice if i want! but i can be equally mean if you provoke me! so, dont try me if you dont wish to be hurt by my harsh treatment i gave you!
Thanks for reading! I am preparing to gt condemn now!
12:26 AM sprinklinq love Y
hmm.. so went to ice-skate with the rest! realise that i have no balancing sense at all man!!!!!!!!!!!!! * lol.. * I just cant balance myself well on that damn skate! * hais * Then went i started to skate the first round... hmm... know what....... * reader: " What?! * i fall four times!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! So pai seh lorx! * i am not that think skin afterall! * After that change a better shoe, because that dumb shoe keep loose out! * $#@^$&(& * no choice... the second shoe is better!!! It is not that tight! * love that shoe, though it is smelly~! * Then resurfacing start... so... rest my tired feet a while... anyway, my bro nt skating at that time le! * kneecap injury! * Second round... great! i fall twice again! lolx.... it is like... hmm... so pain larx!!! furthermore the ice is like melting lorx! ... Then darrell and shawn gt bored with the skating.. * too many pple arnd * so we went off for lunch... 4 at pizza hut, 4 at KFC... before seven of us go and crash the arcard in lot one!!!! * YAY!!! * Had a very fun time together!!!! the racing, the virtual cop... the photo Y2K!!! haax.. interesting.. But i prefer the racing the most! it was so exciting!!! imagine, 7 pple fighting for that 1st place!!!!! Anyway, my result is: 1st round ===> 5th position * min was the 1st *...
: 2nd round ===> 2nd position * think shawn was in the first *
Anyway, there was a lot of crashing and overturning and stuff like that and it result in lots of cursing and screaming... * lol *...
Oh, by the way, my cousin commented that we were very noisy when we playing the car games... lol...
Kay larx! gtg le lorx!!! buaix!
Anyway, is shawn's blog appealing?! i think mine is much more interesting lorx! - giggle -... he will be jumping in mad when he read this para! - lol -
12:08 AM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
hmm... here, i want to Thanks My DEAREST ZOR AND MINJIE for helping me... *of course i help them too * To ARRANGE THIS DIFFCULT OUTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAX!!! THANKS LORX!!! ^^ LOVE YA!!!!! LETS MAKE SURE THAT WE WILL KEEP THE FRIENDSHIP GOING AS LONG AS WE CAN!!!! JIA YOU! sometime.. pple just dont gt it huh?! no wonder i am gtting piss this one week.... quote from min jie and zor* they say it during maple seesion *... ===>
Min jie: you better go if nt yh * that's me * is going crazy... (she is talking to my cousin persuaing her to go to the IS outing )
Cass: she is not going crazy... she is already mad!!!
Me: errr...
Min Jie: ya... and if this goes on, her condition will be worsen!!!
Cass: So you better come!!!
Conclusion: it is not a successful one... ahaax...
so... ya... i am NOT GOING TO DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps... we shld ignore the rest man!
7:38 PM sprinklinq love Y
Ytd... went to Ngee Ann Poly with bec, Mj, Zor and Iting * bec's friend *.. They wanna go appeal for the poly course... all three of them chose the Bs * which is same course as me! * Super Happy!!!!!! Then went to Jack's place at bbp... yummy!!! Really had a very fun day lorx!! Just realise i have been hanging out with them this few week sia!!! HAAX! Thanks the both of them man!
7:32 PM sprinklinq love Y
So... Saturday went to Ecp with some of my friends!!! namely ===> YunQuan, Bec, Min Jie, Xian Ping... and my Bro * take note, he is not my friend, but my sibling... *. Take the Red Lin to Yio Chu Kang... because my dearest yunquan need to hand in her attendance sheet * she was the OGF for the 2nd orientation... which i refer to as MOTHER HEN! * Then proceed to city hall/ Raffles Place * i forgt is which one le * to switch TRAIN to head to bedok!!!
Take 197 to ECP lorx.... alight at the d**n bus stop * the wrong one *... and in the end we walk for more than 1/2 hrs to reach the ECP Chalet.. then another 15 min to the bicycle rental shop!!! OMG! Here.. i must say, it is NOT my fault that we alight at the wrong bus stop... * you know who you are... *
Then rent two hours of bicycle... but then the uncle told us is three hours... * ermm, rent 2 hours free 1 hour... * so total of three hours and off we go!... Min, my bro and quan went off to fast... and left the remaining three behind!!! * !$#^%$@*& * Then rest at a beautiful beach before we proceed back to the coffee shop for our delicious drinks and BBQ chicken! Muhaax... then cycle back lorx.... Yep! a very wonderful outing!!!
Just as we are thinking of going back to take a rest in our sweet home, the rain came pouring down!!! so, we bi yu at the 7-eleven there lorx.. then play some finger game... i notice something... min jie cant really combine her finger action and her music together de... which of course result in many laughter lorx.
so...went home after that lorx... Tired, sun burn, muscle ache!
7:05 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, March 10, 2006
Wah... Though i am not having school at this moment... but then i am still too lazy to blog... * lol * So now... They started their Jc life liao on monday... On mon itself... bec msg me... she told me this : " Yh!! i am feeling confuse... i dont know if i shld change to poly instead....etc etc... * privacy for her * " so.. talk with her for abt half hour lorx, then ask min and zor fir their opinion... zor say stay, min jie is shaking le.. lol..
Second day... zor msg me... she told me this : " Yh... shld i change the sch? i dont really like Jc lehx... etc etc... * privacy for her * " i was like... um.. she told me she wanna stay the first day... now she is changing her mind.. Min told me if the two if them is changing, she will be changing also...
Third day... min msg me... well basically she told me the same thing also. * @!#%%#^^$#& *... at that point when i read finish her msg my reaction ---> did they plan this together?! one person one day arx?! #@%^&%# - lol - very qiao lorx... too qiao for me to believe le larx!!!!
Third day night, we had a conference... erm... well they plan what to do... hmm ya... As for me i just listen lorx.. ^^
ytd had a msn conference again! they change their mind again?! AAHH!!!! They ARE sOOOOOOOO Fickle- Minded! cant stand them. - =P -... so.. hopefully the three of them can think properly what they REALLY want... Afterall, no matter which side you going, there will bound to have regrets in it de mah. * right? * ^^ i am so mature!!! muhaax..
So they having ROADRUN today * 3/10/06 *... at 2.30pm.. heng i am nt in Pj... muhaax, i no need run! ^^ - giggle -.. they will bash me up when they see me... =.=
Currently i have been playing maple almost everyday.. in the afternoon training my noob mage... in the night training my not so noob warrior... ^^... quite busy lorx... hehe...
Finally, THIS IS THE LAST WARNING I AM GIVING OUT!!!! ---------> STOP MSGING ME EARLY IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHH! for the past few day your have been msging me so d**n early... i was trying to catch up with my slp for goodness sake!. Let me slp in peace pls! if not i cannt promise that i will not start to swear vulgar at the next one who msg me as early as 7am!!!... - cool down -... okie... in conclusion, i am getting more violent and more vulgar ..... - too much of maple le larx! -... okie! gtg ! buaiz!!!
1:12 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, March 05, 2006
They are going to school tomorrow le... Sad arx, i can no longer fight with them through all the exam and stuff... no longer can condemn the teacher with them le * sniff *...Suddenly, kind of miss their cold joke, lame joke, or whatever joke they always make up!
Some VERY memorable joke and invention of words ---> Take Horse~ * By Min jie *
Some VERY DUMB Accident ===> " Green Pants "...
Some VERY memorable outing ---> Hunting for Grad. Night dress...
Some VERY strange nick ===> Leila, Octopus, Sliver Huey, Bec, Minky, Zor... * etc etc *
Come to think of it... I have spend my whole Secondary School life with all of them... ---> Cassandra, Xian Ping, Rebecca, Yunquan, Jing Ying, Min Jie, Shi Hao, Darrell, Yuling and Shawn... and not forgetting my classmates all this year.So many of them, So many fond memories... Tears, Laughter, Anger... I wonder when can i find such good friends again.......
Although i alway say Friends Forever... But I think all of you know in your heart... There is no such things as forevr. One fine day, we will still distant away... But guys, even if the friendship slowly fade away, the distance slowly grow bigger... i can tell ya that ==> Yall always be in my heart... Memories that is meant to be keep deep inside! ^^...
Too many words to say, too little time to tell ya... but i am sure your will know it. No matter what happen in the future, your must always miss me! ^^... Experience the JC life on my behalf! Enjoy throughout the whole journey in you JC life! Lastly, even though i am not by ni men de side le, your still can always msg and crap. Your still has the privelige to confide in me! ^^... Jia you to all! Love ya!
11:05 PM sprinklinq love Y
On Friday... went into a discuss with my dearest zor and hubby, min jie... eRm... decided to go ice - skating the next day larx...then ask who wanna go in our gang... in the end, only 6 pple wanna go... * including me, zor and min * sad larx... and we need 8 pple lorx.. * 4 pple package mah * so damn sad larx... ask my bro along... well, in the end... only 4 pple go... * mi. min. zor. quan *...Anyway, right after i know the reason of some who dont wanna go, seriously, i am damn piss off... 1st time in the history i am that piss larx! hias... there we are, three crazy girl trying to organise the thing... there your are... saying no! * waaa *
Then sat came along... Gt prepare and met zor and min at bb station * quan meeting us at a later time * .... went there, had the fermented tofu.... not really that smelly larx! * zor keep complaining it smell like the toilet in KSS =_=""""" * Then reached there, min friend told her today no ice skating allow... * stun! *... we were like huh? how come... then realise today gt ice hockey competition!!! * OMG~ * Sian ji pua lorx.. so went to k-box instead.. just the 4 of us.. * fun ^^ * Play like siao lorx.. then went home.. PS : refer to min jie for more detail!!! * i lazy to type it out lorx * yep yep... that's all.. bye!
10:52 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, March 03, 2006
Okie.. Early in the morning, where i am still having my beauty slp shawn and jy msg me! * erm *... See larx.. all their fault.. Then arnd 9.30 * i am still catchin up with my slp... * shawn called me!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGGG!!!!
and the reason.. : "Hey, I didnt see your name in the name list lehx... So are you feeling disappointed or happy that you did nt gt into PJ? "
Seriously, at that point in time, i wish i am infront of him holding a knief... * to kill him of course! * Call me early in the morning just to inform me that?! AARRGG!! - bite you! - hias...
as for jy, she msg me to ask me to help her check her postin result... =_=""""""... but in the end she told me she called the Moe hotline... = ch3ck liao ... aiyo!!!
there goes my beauty slp!!!
In the end, I got into Ngee Ann Business Studies...
Zor/ Bec/ Jy/ Min/ Darrell --------> PJC!!!
the rest nt sure yet... lol... will update abt it... Anyway, Congratx to all!!!
Jia you okie?!
2:02 PM sprinklinq love Y
2:00 PM sprinklinq love Y
Hmm..ytd went to watch FD3 with the both of them * as mention in title *... OMG OMG! the show was so damn gross lorx! Then the whole cinema only gt a few pple nia.. ZZzzZZz ....... Scary lorx. One thing to mention, Min jie so brave, she actually watch the whole show without covering her eyes and ears larx.. me and zor like siao de.... lol.. Then after that went to have lunch before we head towards arcard!!! Spent arnd $6 lorx.. ya, play time crsis * spelling weird weird de *... lol, zor very fast jiu die liao... actually same as me larx... * kua~kua~kua *... then buy a pair of earring with min.. ^^... had a wonderful time ytd! Thanks guys!
1:54 PM sprinklinq love Y