Thursday, October 26, 2006
Right, i dont know what happen to my F***ing computer. It can connect to the net despite the fact that i have scan countless time. And the best thing is i cant reformat my com... #@%#@^@$%...
Then, i cant log in to my MSN even if i have the internet connection... WTF... so the ..
I want to change a new computer!
11:23 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Today, I use about 2 hours time to finish up the story in my club. - story written by other. -
I am a person who dont tears easily... except for some special situations la! - shall not mention it here. - However, this story make me cry.. and I mean real hard.
I was so shocked that my tears drop like no other people business lorx
But I have to say, the story is really touching. I couldnt believe that the girl can write so well!!! My god! She was like so damn professional in her writing lorx!!! - I lose le. -
Here is a question to all.
If one day, you die of an accident. You came to realise that the one you like have been unhappy for years because he/she has lost contact with his/her childhood friend. - his/her first love - Will you continue on with your path - which is recarnationg - or you are willing to spend a year to help him/her to find that special childhood friends back? However, you have to pay the price. That's to forgo your chance of recarnation and disappear forever, you will no longer be around. Not as a ghost. How will you choose? For your love one or for yourself....
Interesting huh? Do give me your reply. ^^
Night guys!
4:59 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, October 22, 2006
So, today went to watch Deathnote at Jurong Point with Jing Ying, Darrell and Shawn.. The movie was highly recommended by me!! lolx! Really la, for those who have not watch it, or considering to watch it. Trust me, it is worth it la!! -go on a weekday, it is cheaper. - hehe..
The death god was like so damn cute - erm - lorx.. everytime he appears there is bound to have something funny. To me la, it doesnt really appears as death god ne. I dont know. - neither do i want to know how the real death god is like. -
One of the conver they have which i find it funny: " hey L, do you know the death god actually likes to eat APPLE! " - o.0 imagine that -
That was rather funny, in the ending, there is a part 2 to it! Coming out on DEC 2006!!! I WANA WATCH! - but i am super busy in DEC. >///< -
Then they went to walk around in Jurong Point, while i rush back home. - Mummi nagging - Went to West Mall to return my books. Intially I wanted to borrow book de lorx, but the lib is close, then i realise! -> today is a public holiday!!! >.<.. blur me. On the way to buy the eggs, i met Mr. Siah!.. and surprisingly, he still remember me!!! - lol, i have a gd to remember face ne! -
Wait for the bus and i saw my grandfather!! - so qiao!!! -.. lolx!!!
Home Sweet Home.
Think my day end here?! You're so wrong la!
Log in Msn.. Someone who must not be name chatted with me.. - not telling what it is. - Got a shock in the first place.. and a so-call quarrel erupted btw me and her. She had misunderstood me la... but I am not angry. Really.. just a bit hurt that she misunderstood me. Whatever it is, it is over... ^^ And i am glad that all ended well.. hehe...
Well, as I always tell my friends. If you have problem, you can come to me. I may not have the best solution to the problem, but at the very least, you get to vent your frustration and stuff la. If I can, I will definitely try my best to help you. I dont know how many people I have help before, neither do I know do they feel better after talking to me. - I dont know. It sound stupid to ask them - But pls remember this, I listen because I care for your. I listen because I want to know what your have been going through. I do not fake my concern. I know sometimes, after listening, what I say seems easier to say than to be done, but it doesnt mean I am trying to pretend to be the good guy here. If I were to really fake my concern, I can just dont even care. I know sometimes my expression is big and kinda of exaggerating, well, pls try to remember, this is me. Just dont misunderstood me. I listen because I care, I care because your are my friends.
I dont know why, but some people thinks that I am a very proud girl. For those who think in this way... I am very sorry to say, you dont understand me well. There is always this erm.. - how to say - For those who cannot get along well with me, no matter how hard I try, we just cant be friends. For those who is able to understand, we can get along so damn well. Even if this is the first time I met this person. I dont know why, can someone tell me?
Here is one example. I know this girl. She is my senior. In the very beginning, I didnt know that. I meet here in the Fanfiction. Her story kinda of attract me. So I added her in my MSN. Strangely enough, we started to chat and we are able to get along well. It is like, I dont know you, and you dont knoe me, yet, we can get along well. Why? She tells me everything under the sun. Her school, her life.
Then when I know she is from ngee ann as well, I was surprise thinking how fate bring two different people together to be friends. I met her once only. And from then, she told me things that I have never think that she will tell me. - i admit i am curious. -
I dont know why, if a person whom I have met only ONCE! can share her feeling with me, I cant find a reason why the guys in my Secondary School life cannot do that? Am i that hard to get close with? - weird -.
Maybe because we started off as MSN pals. Maybe we have some common topic.. But hey! I like soccer as well!!! I play it as well, but why cant I get along with them. lol.
For girls, of course la! I am a girl, what do you expect? >///<
Funny isnt it.
Something to share, if you have ever been hurt in a relationship. Of course it hurts. But you need to let go. And how do you know you have let it go. When you can tell a third party your relationship - the process, the quarrel, the breakup - without having feeling heart breaking. Then I must congratz you, you have walk out of it. ^^. I came to this conclusion as my senior is telling me her stuff. True isnt it?
Another one, I came to conclusion as I chat with erm Someone who must not be name. - you know who you are. I know you will be reading la!-
Accepting a confession is like choosing a path which has two way. Either you accept or you reject, just like either you go to the right, or you go to the left. - crap. -
For those who study Econs, it is just like the Opportunity Cost aka OC.
If you accept, you may be happier but of course, you may also be hurt. If you dont accept, you may regret, but at least you will be spare from the agony if the both of you were to break-up. Which is more important? Which choice is safer?
Just like if you choose the right path, you may pick up $10, but, you will think, what if I took the left path, will I get even more?
However, if you took the left path and you fall into a trap, you will think, will I be safer if I took the right path?
Which choice is better?
There will be no win-win situation.
In the game of love, no matter what choices we made, we are bound to gain and lose something. Just remember to treasure what you have gain and learn from the mistakes why you have lose that something.
You can even compare the accepting of one confession as a gambling session.
You use your feelings to gamble. If you win, you win the happiest time in that part of you. If you lose, you will get hurt. So what should you do? Dont gamble.. but if you dont, you will never know. You will keep thinking about it. That's human.
To that Someone who must not be name: Pls, do have faith in him and yourself. AND! Dont admit in my tag that it is you. lol. Dont be afraid of what people think... Just remember what I told you. They say bad thing about you because they are just jealous of you. Trust yourself. I know he will do his best to protect you. ^^ Jia You ba! My dear! AND, if he do bully you, pls let me know! I will find him and heck him into eight hundred pieces!!!! - roar! - 记得要用心去经营你们的感情
I dont know what gotta into me.. lol. I actually write such a long entry! GOod! I can dont bother to blog for the next few days!
1:21 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, October 19, 2006
i change a new song!!!! muhaaax!!!
Songs: Cry on my Shoulder!!
I love this song!!!
it is nice!!!
just in case if u wanna the lyrics!
1:10 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
School has started.. (T_T).. so sad la!!! still cannt get use to it lorx.. lolx - slack for like 1 1/2 mth ne.. - but nvm, i will work harder!!! MUHAAX!!!
PS: bec hammie went missing... and she is curently search high and low for it.. lolx!!! hopefully tt hammie is just hiding somewhere, and nt run out of her hse!!!
10:09 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, October 12, 2006
right, the chalet thing.. how to say lehx. Due to some problem, some people... the chalet date need to be change.. most probably on dec first week, weekdays.
i dont know. i dont have any say in it la. i mean, if you have already plan to shift it, then just tell yuling straight. dont have to tell shawn then ask for everyone opinion. but when i .. i realise what i say come to no where, things had already being decided. - utterly speechless - seems to me all the opinion thing is just a show... it just wants to prove that it is done fair and square. that's my thinking. if in any way, it offended anyone, then very sorry.
10:42 PM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Before i start to write abt what i want.. did ya notice anything different in my blogskin? hehe.. i added two thing inside. one of them is quite noticable.. heheh
Ya. so. this song is frm twins... know about it on the 联合早报.quite interesting though. the song may nt catch ur attention when u first hear it. BUT! the lyrics is beautiful!!
G背靠着背 屋檐下的昨天
你扬起的笑脸 无暇的双眼
C望着天 我听你大声许下未来心愿
你想去的地点 我陪你冒险
G肩并着肩 夕阳下多刺眼
我假装没发现 你眼角的泪
C还记得 你梦上一个人闯荡一片天
不怕艰险的旅程 发光的过程
或许难免失败偶尔孤单 就能追赶
G虽然难免失败偶尔孤单 我能明白
G风轻轻吹 寄来你的卡片
最爱挤一个座位 喝一杯咖啡
C那个渐渐懂事的女孩 G依然怀抱天真的可爱
1:50 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, October 09, 2006
I know it is in chinese... some may feel troublesome to read it.. but pls! do read it~ the first story is rather meaningful, the second one is funny..
女孩,如果有个男孩为你哭,请拉住他的手 作者:云霓笑梦
1:42 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, October 05, 2006
YTD went to gym with may, min and my bro.. did quite a bit of exercise.. lolx. anw, min is real weak in her arms la!! hahahaha..

10:55 PM sprinklinq love Y
Click HERE~got this website from old man~! lol.. it is interesting! this is what he wrote... Treasure whatever you have in your grasp now. Even though it's nothing special, it might be the right one for you. Whatever we have may not definitely be the best, but it might give us eternal happiness... True huh!
Anyway, this few days have been receiving the youtube thingy, the jacky wu video!! It is funny!! hahaha
10:05 PM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
saw this in one of my friend blog.. try it.. lolx!!! pls call me princess!! hehehe.. i try the second time, this time without my surname, and the result appears to be the same!! lolx!!! and yes! i am truly a princess~
9:54 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, October 01, 2006
All right, as your know.. the gang has the once a mth outing de la.. then.. erm... for now, i will be retiring le lorx! - as if i have done very long -. i mean, take a rest la! so ya... currently min will be in charge of the OCT outing. hhahahaha... so your should understand my meaning la! hehe.
Then the rest.. also must help her la.!!! or even try to organise it lorx.
Only when you try it, then will you know the bitter of it!!!! it is not as simple as it look.... nor it is " you want to go, you go, dont want to go then forgt it lorx. "
so.. anyway, it is the experience that counts! hahahhaa jia you ba!!!
1:15 AM sprinklinq love Y