Wednesday, November 29, 2006
One more mth.. In fact it is only TWO MORE WEEKS to Min and My birthday!!!!!!!! And also, The chalet!!!!!!!!! - scream! - Okie... Shawn have been asking me what I wanted for my birthday.. after much thinking.. I know what I wanted le!!! HAHAHAAHAH.. It is optional to get it for me.. The though is much more important..
1) I wanted a bag like zor de.. The one she took it with her to Escape de... The purple and black bag... Love that one.
2) Maybe a ring ba? Dont ask me my ring size.. I dont know.
For now.. this two only.. Couldnt think of any le la!! May update my list again` hahaha
5:02 PM sprinklinq love Y
YAY!!!!! I have submitted my proposal to my leader le.. Finally after so many rounds of editng and banging on the wall!!! ^^.. After my this proposal, tons of my brain cells is dying la!! ^^, you can never imagine how thrill I am when I click on the send!!! Muhaaax!!! BT! If the proposal still cannt pass... (T_T) - pray hard man! -
Anyway, Mon went to IMM with zor and quan.. we plan to buy Xmas' present for the pple in the gang~~ In the end.. we didnt settle on anything.. -_-.|| Dont know what to buy ne!!! So ended up going to the giant -> buy longan!!!! HAHAHAHA... I love going shopping with the two of them!!! After that, quan and me went to buy nail polish at aris..~ Shiok!!! ^^ Zor and Quan.. min as well, lets go shopping again!!!
I guess I will be doing some erm, DIY stuff as the present for them le!! Maybe cross-sitch or something la~~ Any idea??
Then the Escape.. I am gtting the photo... and maybe some editing... Yea.. hais... So much stuff to do ne...
Then ermm.. what I want to say!? Oh ya.. I finally finish watching the Ouran High School Host Club.. - yes, finally.. after much dragging and stuff!!! -
It is nice.. I like the ending!! hahaa.. Given a chance, I want to be like haruhi!! She is able to see pple's mind.. She is so sensitive to the people around her la! I wanted to be like her.. I wanted to be that sensitive~ It is nt easy... ^^
For now, I am watching Honey and Clover recommended by Cassandra~ I have not watch yet.. soon la~!Maybe when I am half-way through my 花样少年少女 by ella and wu zhun recommended by bec and 终极一班 by her as well. Then maybe also erm, 剪刀石头布 by wang shao wei and qiao en.. Also, 恶作剧之吻 recommended by Shawn. Hm.. one more.. 七剑下天山 by zor... so many show to watch!!! OMG!!! and I want to watch Love Hina/ Tubasa/ The girl from hell and love cresent... LOLX!!! SO many show la!! 10 shows in total.. I think I need @ least one whole year to finish everything.. and nt to mention, new shows which I want to watch will be added on in to the list... -_-||||..
For now, it will be 食神 by renfu and another show by xiezhi.. this two will be out by next yr! OMG! Someone save me pls.. Give me 48 hrs a day... - I am greedy~ -
4:40 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, November 27, 2006
YOX YOX!!! The photo from yun quan's Camera is out!!! Go to this webby (
CLICK HERE ) Search for virgogurl89... and Ta-Da.. you will be able to find the pictures!!! ^^
9:37 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, November 26, 2006
11:29 PM sprinklinq love Y
I am SOOOOO high now!!! Lolx!! just return from EScape... - outing with all my dears -... (^_^)V hahaha.. I love the rides.. nt bad.. but after all the fun, i had a headache.. wth... nvm.. i really really really enjoy going out with yea! Will update more other day.. i wanan watch my u-tube!! HAHA
9:49 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Wth!!! the entry I typed in the morning is missing!! wa lao!!! that entry is long ne..!! qi si wo le.. so the sian la..
today is 21 NOV.. This means that 11 mth has pass since we implemented the monthly gang outing.. there is already 11 outing.. plus the one we are going this weekend... SO far... other than Shwan's adn xp's b-day every one is present.. i dont think for tbe rest of the outing everyone is present.. except for the two who are taking A's lvl. So many times le.. I really couldnt find any reason le.. hais..
AS the times pass by longer, it is gtting harder and harder for us to get together as the full gang...
10:27 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, November 20, 2006
12:25 AM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I know I just change my blogskin not long ago.. howver, I felt that there is something very wrong with it.. lolx! so I decide to change back to my old style.. BLACK!! Yes! Black!!! hehehee.. I like this... basically, I like every skin I have change into!!! Muhaax!!
12:58 AM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, November 17, 2006
YOX!!! I am back~~~ back~~~ back~~~ lol. sorry for disappearing for quite a few day.. was busy here and there. Trying to rush out all my projects.!! =.=
So.. had a role play today on the topic of Anger Management. Pls dont ask me why a business student need to study this. I myself, also dont know. lol...
Back to the role play. It is about Sister and Brother snatching for laptop to use... So i was the sister, and Ray, my team-mate was the brother... As I ran through once with him, wa lao eh.. i tell u, his brain can turn so damn fast la!! like, this is the script, but he didnt follow the line and stuff, he just talk through his way lorx.. i was so damn lost la! so in the end, they say, we will just 临场反应... so ya.. i did as i was told.. in the end, i argue with the guy until he cannt argue back... lolx!! so damn funny!! see... dont ever provoke me... ^^
so.. for now.. most of the project is on the way to be done le.. hehe.. la`la`la`... i am now.. almost free liao!!! YAY!!!!
10:21 PM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Watch 爱要怎么说 ytd.. it was about a girl wanting to confess to the guy. She knew him for 10 years, secretly in love with him for 5 years. So finally she pluck up her courage and confess to the guy.. in the end, she was rejected by him. He claim that he prefer them to be friends...
Article on it:
Click hereCan girl and guy continue to be friend after the confession? I know there is some exception la... Seen before and experience before.. la`la`la`.... It goes to the same as, can girl and boy have 纯友谊? this are some question which has no answer.. and it definitely goes with how you think, how you preceive things.
One more thing is... what is the motive behind having a 干哥哥or干妹妹... i found two rather interesting article concerning about the above topic... hahaha
Article 1:
Click HereArticle 2:
Click HereInteresting eh? What is the really motive... I have one kor - god - as well... hmm.. shall not say how I feel. But, feeling start to change as times goes by..
3:11 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Was watching the video on I will follow him.. the video was soo cute.. it really brings back a lot of memory!!! hahaha.. so cute!!! hahahaha
Anyway, there is some problem with my msn.. hmm, i dont know what happen lorx!!!!!!!!!! aarrgg, whenever they add me in conver, my msn started to lag... - zzz -
10:30 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, November 13, 2006
I wonder is it that i am suay or what.. I actually have to do my Project with them!!! OMG OMG! someone just kill me pls!
11:45 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, November 12, 2006
As your can see.. I have change my blog skin.. YAY!!! I know 王子变青蛙 is like sooo out-dated.. but. nevertheless, I still like it alot.. muhaax!!
BTW.. pls change your encoding into unicode okie?! Thanks!
9:22 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Yox Yox... Song recommendation time again!!! - lolx -... came upon this album with loads of old songs... there are some which is quite familar but sometimes, you just cant remember the title.. hahaha... - we are getting old eh?! -
This few songs are quite nice, though it is really old!!! -hahaha- Enjoy~
Song: 哭砂 Singer: 张惠妹
Song: 天天想你 Singer: 张清芳
9:22 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I dont know if I ever mention it to your a not.
Zor and me had participate in the Online Amazing Race organise by the axn-asia.
Yesterday was the first round of the game... We meet at 9pm to start the game... It was fun!! lolx... Then we need to wait till 11.30 pm to complete the whole thing. For those who watch amazing race, it also has thing like road-block... which sux totally.. - it is tough. - and our computer is lagging!! =_=||||...
We emerge as the 18th team out of 1558 teams... - people can still register within the racing period.. -
Can you imagine that!? No.18!!!!
What is the conclusion then?!
We are qualify for the finaly round!!!! - ROAR! - And if we win... We can win a total of US$2000! That's if we win la!!!
But, I am still very happy about our result!!!!!! Zor and Me is a great team lorx!!! =)....
Zor! We rocks man!
10:50 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, November 05, 2006
As I was saying, I bought two new pairs of earring yesterday... - so happy. -. So today, being bery bo liao, I took down all the earring I have... lolx!!! Let your see! =)

Mum bought it for me... It is long!!! ^^

bought this two yesterday.. The heart shape one, Min had a pair as well!!! lolx. - we are lame! -. Btw, the first one is a bell earring... I love that one!!! - It has bell!! Ring` Ring` Ring` -


bought it @ west mall, shawn was with me.. lolx...


Min had this as well... we sort of echange the colours. Bought it @ lot one... hmmm...

Bought this with min @ bugis... Last year. When shopping for the Grad nite things. ^^

This is the very first long`long earring I have... The first one I bought... ^^
Gosh! I have more than 10 pairs of earring sia!!! ^^.. But I still want to buy somemore!!! Earrings!!!!
3:08 PM sprinklinq love Y
Shi Hao say he got this feeling that he will die very soon. Reason of his death: accident...
Min Jie sat she got this feeling that although the gang feeling will still be the same, but something will tear us apart.
Feelings... I hate this type of feelings... It is bringing me into endless pit of worries. I am afraid what they feel will come true. I dont wish to lie/cheat to myself.. I feel scared.
Sometimes I wonder, what if one day/night, I receive a SMS from your telling me that Shi Hao has pass away..How will I react? Will I cry? Will the gang still be the same old gang without him?
What if one day, the gang is being tear apart. Will I still know how to live without your ma? I am being paranoid, you may say. I dont know. I have study for 10 years, coming to the 11th year. None of my buddy have ever gone so far with me. Not even my primary school friends. It is as if, without your, I will never be complete. Am I relying too much on you guys?
Great! I am going back to my depression side!!! AARRGGG!!! This sucks!
2:14 AM sprinklinq love Y
Today went out with my dearest friends!!! - so happy!! -
Party involved - Jy, Bec, Min, Sh and Jun hao(sh's bro)
Before we went to orchard... We went to KSS openhouse.. Okay la, at least manage to listen to the choir!! hahaha.. - not too bad, just that their facial expression is a bit, square?! -.. took the shuttle bus back to lot one.. then went to Plaza Sin by 190. " I want to vomit!! " is the very typical sentence you hear on the bus when you are with min and erm, bec. I dont know why but they just get bus-sick everytime we are on 190. - sensitive to 190? =)-
Alight from the bus.. saw this lion and erm bear?! Took a pix of them.

Was cheated by the DAMN shop!!! It moved!!! Stupid shop! Stupid watch! Make us go Plaza Sin for nothing!!!! - Roar! - So we walked to The Hereen. - correct? -. Min was so pale on our way there la!! so worry for her nehx!! o.0, then ask shi hao to hold her bag.. hehe.. - that's the good point of having him with us. If it was shawn or Darrell, I think it will only happen like, when the sun rise from the west! -
Walk Walk... why must we walk so long?!!?!?!?! Suddenly Singapore became very big la!
Went to eat the Wanton Mee recommended by Jy.. at the dont know what shop.. - I forgot the shop name. -. After the eating, went to erm, HMV and slack.

The fountain inside The Hereen.

While waiting for sh to come out from the HMV.. He is forever taking his own sweet-time in HMV. - sigh -.

Shi hao's bro... he is sooo damn cute la!!!! His action is soo like shi hao lorx! lol!

The display outside a shop. I know I am bo liao... what to do? I am bored!!!
After that went to cinelesiure.. There is this roadshow there and we saw Shi xin Yin from campus superstar.

And Xin Huey as well..

Then bought earring with the girls.. - Min and Jy! - I love them!!!! and i love the earrings even more!!!! - lolx. - Went to KFC and eat.. After that went Far East... walk`walk`walk`...
Tooks neos @ the Print Club..

I love all of them!! Thanks for being my Friends and bring light and sun rays into my life!!!!!!! - mauckx -
One little thing to say... That QIN YUN QUAN!!! Say she want to come, but in the end!!!!! What happen?!!?!?!?! - roar!!! -... Yun Quan you own me one sia!!!!!!! TT...
I dont know why, it has been such a long time the gang gather as a gang. As in everyone is present and around.. I miss the old days... - sniff. sniff.. -
12:24 AM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Okie.. Firstly, I realise there is some erm events that I didnt blog about!!! - hahaha -. So let us retrack back in our time. - Rewind your time to the day after Mid-Autumn Festival. I know it is a bit erm.. long though. -
So.. It was one of the God Birthday. - Monkey God.. your know? - AS my uncle wants it to be very Re Nao.. so the lion dance troupe was invited!!! hehehe.. so.. the lion dance was okay, just the fact that so little people went lorx!!! - haisx. - Whatever it is, I am already use to this situation le.. It has been happening for years. Let's just say it happen ever since I began to go for school. - 10 years! -
Dont want to say much about it le.. so here is some of the pix!! hehe, mind you, the quality is not very good... - Min! I want your phone la!! CyberShot somemore!!! =.= -

They were praying.. bery beginning of everything.

The "Lion" began to eat the thing. - Orange and the vege. Dont ask me why lion eat vege. -

They start to peel the orange and arrange it into words.. Will show ya the words... later on.

They finish everything.. and is leaving liao.

Preparing to throw the "extra" orangers to the host...

This is the word, can see?

This is my little cousin.. we went to the playground and play. Frankly speaking, I have touch the playground like 1 yr?? sian.. I want to play playground!!! - roar -.
11:51 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, November 03, 2006
Friends who is in JC have been asking me how is Poly life? And what your do in Poly.
So this is a very brief day of mine.
Well, today went for my erm Life Managment Skill * LMS * and Individual and Communtiy * IAC * Dont ask me why business students need to have this two module aka subject.
Anyway, the LMS.. We are suppose to do a skit/video/presentation on the following topic -> War and/or Peace.
Pride and/or Prejudice.
So, my team agree on the War and/or Peace. Our story is about erm, conflicts happening in the family due to some reasons...blah blah blah, the very common storyline! You can find it in Hong Kong Drama. - lol - So I was ask to be the MUM!!!! OMG!!OMG!!OMG!! Do I look that old?! - zzz -
Actually, it was quite relaxing of the LMS... My member have already submitted the draft up.. so.. ya, basically we are waiting for the Mdm to comment on it. ^^.. Not bad was what she say. So now, other than the real script waiting for us to write... We still need to research on our, say.. Facts. Backup - proof - for our purpose of the skit and objectives for it. - interesting - By the way, our skit main objectives is base on communication, self-centered and forgiveness. Ya. So, imagine doing research on this three UNIQUE topic. - Which is more simple? PW or Mine? -
Oh ya, one more thing. One of my group-mate look so like him la!!! lolx. In fact, I thought they were brothers in the very beginning... >_<. No they were not, - their surname is different.. - lolx. So funny lorx!!!
Then for the IAC. We need to go and interview Ex-convicts. Why you may ask, this is because we are doing on the yellow ribbon thingy. - haisx, of course this decision is not make by me. >...< If I were to choose I will choose Teenage Abortion. It is easy to do ne. - So.. I don't know how they are going to do about it, but I think they are going to film her - my member - biological father who is a ex-convict. He went in to the jail when she was like 1? Then went to the drug rehabiation when she was only Sec 2... Sad isnt it?
- Friends out there, if you think you are having a sad life, What about her? She has a far worse life than your, yet she is contented! She needs to earn her own pocket money by working part-time at a tution center. What about all of you who keep whining about parent not giving your enough?! I am not trying to lecture all of you here, I am just stating a fact. -
One little thing happen during the lesson. This little happen because... Well, it is a long long story and a bit confusing. Try reading, if you dont understand but you want to know it. Feel free to ask me in MSN.- lolx. - Dont be bored out by me then! hehehehe.
Well, as me and my friend - let's name him Guy A - was absent on the first lesson, therefore, we have no group. So, the both of us assume that the grouping for LMS and IAC will be the same. - there is reason for it de. Firstly, it is more convient to meet up with the same people yet you can complete two projects together! -
Some little side info: Girl A, Boy B, Guy A, Guy B and me was a grp in LMS.
As they had already form the grp the previous week, so there was another guy - let's name him Guy C - with them - As in Girl A and Boy B. - So it was like there is already four people in the group and there is the two of us. - Background info: Each grp can only have up to 5 person lorx. - So this means that one of us will be excluded. As the other guy who is not in our LMS grp is already there, thus, they couldnt pangseh him la! So now, between me, my friend and the guy B they need to pull one out. So they discuss it with my friend guy A and then decided to pull the Guy B out.
Then we needa to fill up the group form.. Then the Guy B was saying, where is my name?? - ... -.. Felt so bad lorx... it is like we are replacing him neh. hais.... All of us were not feeling good lorx. Futhermore I think he is a little bit angry with the decision make la. - who wont? -
Just hope that he will not mess up with the LMS project just for revenge. - I think he will not la! - End of Story.
Then, after school, went home with girl A and Guy A.. lolx, accompany Girl A to take cab then walk back to the bus-stop with Guy A... - >...< - So funny lorx!
On the way to the cab, Girl A told me that Guy B and Boy B was actually from a clique de. But due to some reason, Guy B was being kick out from the clique... I am not very sure of it.
To me, I will only be working with them for two terms - which is half a year -, it is as if, the lesser I know about them, the lesser pain I will have when we leave the class. Your may say I am selfish, but it is true isnt it? The more you understand one person, the more you will want to stick with that person, your may rebuke me that your still can stay as friends. Not true for my case, we are in different courses.. Fate brings us together to be classmates...... So ya. Having the gang as my friends is more than enough. One more batch I think I will go ku-ku with all the invitation of going out. lolx!
So this is my day... boring mah?! hmm.. I dont know, Maybe because it is becoming a some sort of rountine for me le lorx. hehehe....
You need to learn to love yourself, before you let your heart to go and love others. You need to learn to give in to yourself, before you learn to give in to others!
Remember that!
6:48 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Anyway, that day jy was asking me how is poly life. i told her basically it is about the same... She told me this, not really. At the very least JC student is clever.. - erpx -. i have nothing to say... - speechless -.
i only want to say this, PLS dont judge a books by its cover..
perhaps somehow i have once again mistook her meaning. but if she didnt tell me, i will never know. If you dont ever bother to explain what you mean, so pls dont say that i mistook u again.
6:04 PM sprinklinq love Y