Wednesday, December 27, 2006
So... Went to the chalet on the 19 Dec till 21 Dec... It was so fun larx!! but due to some stupid problem with my camera, I didnt bring it along with me... hahaha >.<||. Only manage to capture a few photo with my phone camera.. So let me rewind my memory and tell your what happen. Ps. If you dont feel lyk reading my version, you are welcome to read min or sh's one... their's is funny.
Day 1:Went to the NTUC @ lot 1... bought the stuff lyk aluminium foil, plastic fork, drinks etc etc.. The things was so damn heavy lorx... - forgot to take down the picture... hahaha - Then min came early and help me with the stuff... arigato min!! haha

Min Jie... hehe...
Then we wait @ the entrance of the MRT for quan and zor who was late.. They got separated when chasing the LRT... Lolx.. They are forever so cute la! So we waited quite a while before we decide to go up to the platform and wait for them instead. @ the platform I left Min, Sh and Jy @ the end and when searching for Zor and YQ.. Lol.. The train was already preparing to left when I found the both of them.. Guess what I did? I went into the train with YQ and Zor leaving the three of them with all the stuff that I bought... hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! The three of them were so mad with me larx!!! Come to think of it, it was so funny seeing their face... xD.
Went to Jurong East and meet Bec, and I got my christmas present from her!!! Whee... Sweets~ From Taiwan and Japan... Yummy!! Then reach Pasir Ris le... Went to take the cab with Bec, Min and Zor. The rest.. Erm, they went to take the bus..
While waiting for the cab, It started raining norx... >.<.. Then there was another grp of pple infront of us waiting as well.. In the end we got the cab first. lolx! I guess they were super angry with us..
Oh ya.. One thing: We actually wanted to call the cab company and book a cab de... and guess what the operator say when we told her that we wanna book a cab to Downtown East.
Min Jie: " we would like to book a taxi to Downtown East @ Pasir Ris. "
Operator: " Huh? Downtown East, But it is raining lehx? Got things to play mehx? "
Me: - laughing lyk don't know what - " Tell the operator we have pay the thing le.. can don't go mehx? zzz " Reach there, when to find Yuling's mum. Great! No one see her before larX!!! How are we suppose to know that the lady there is her?! lolx!!! Furthermore, she didnt picked up her phone. >.<. So we waited and see around.. Aha! And I spotted this lady in green walking around like she is looking for someone norx.. So I told them, maybe she is the one... Hm.. And I was right!!! Muhaaax!!! I so li hai!!! - clap clap clap -.. Went through the entrance, me and min was stuck cus we dont have enough 雨伞..therefore we waited for someone to come and pick us... Shi Hao came, in a green poncho... It was funny seeing him wearing that. - laugh -
Then... Went to the chalet, they cleared the stuff le, mop/wipe the floor le... Settle everything and they give me my present le!!! - happy. - It was a kinda of like a flag, drawn by them... So nice can?! - no photo.. cus i forgt to take it down.. LOLX! -. And i receive my christmas present from Min and Jy.

Christmas present from min jie..晴天娃娃

Christmas present from Jy...
Thank girls!! ^^..
Then we went to Cheers to buy things.. Snacks to be exact.! Chips more... Erm.. Wu hua Guo... lol.. The first day keep raining lyk dont know what... stuck in the chalet.. Then in the night, Yuling came after her work... ^^ And we rest... @ about 11? We play some card games, which test our reaction.. Bec was quite slow.. We were suppose to call out the other party name when she gt the same card la... and all bec can do is "AAHH!!!".. And FYL, there is no AAHH!!! in our grp. >.<. Therefore, she lose for the first round? lolx! Play sian le, we decide to play erm, True or True.. - can't play dare la! - Quite fun.. and I manage to escape from their question cause their attention was being attract to the TV.. - phew. -
Slping time, as SH was still sick.. - cough -, we decide to let him slp on the bed with zor, quan and Jy. Bec slp with Yl and min slp on her own... ME? I slpt on the bed... The four who slp together was so noisy!!! and know what they did when the rest is starting to drift to dreamland?

Jy cuaght in action for eating chip more when the rest is going to slp..zzz
They were too noisy until I think is Yuling ask them to go and slp... Hm...
Day 2:Woke up @ 7.30am? Couldn't get to slp... The floor was so err... Dont know how to decribe... ? Brush teeth, and wait for them to woke up... Accompany Sh to Mr. BEan to get his breakfast - needda eat his medicine - Then waited for the rest of them, and they started playing PS2 Dynasty Warrior and some racing games... Lol... I was laughing when I watch Jy and Yq play the Dynasty Warrior... They keep turning round round and round... hahaha... I know I am evil... and Xp came!!!
@ arnd 11, we went to rent the bikes... YES! The weather turn good!!! MUHAAAA!!! Must be because min's gave us the 晴天娃娃... While cycling in the park, Yuling fell and hurt her leg... 皮外伤 we rest for a while, they play the spider. Then we cycle out.. Into Pasir Ris Neighbourhood. Went on double bike with bec intially de, but yuling's leg nt in a good condition.. and her bike gt some problem, she exchange with bec.. Hm.. And off on our journey! With Yq and Jy leading, follow by Bec then Min's double bike with zor, then us and lastly Xp... Halfway through, Bec fall on the road... >.<. And injured her leg!!!... >.<..
She so damn stupid can?! You can never imagine how she fall de laRX!! When she told me, I was speechless. How can someone cycle lyk that?! Thank goodness there is no car on that road, if not I dont know what will happen larx!! Then the two infront cycle so damn fast lrox... zzz.. cant even see them.. AS the bike is really in bad shape, and there is two injured person, we decide to turn back and change a new bike.. you should see how badly the bike has become, luckily we dont have to pay for the damage.. >.<.. My god, rest @ the chalet, and watch TV.

Watching Tv before the BBQ.
BBQ... Ate a lot of things..!!! Yummy!! Thank a lot to Yuling's mum who prepare all those food for us! hehe. Then they went to night cycling.. Yq, Jy, Xp, Min and zor. The rest -> me, bec, yl and sh stay back to rest.
Then in the middle of the night, they came back.. knocking on the door but no one went to open the door for them.. In the end, Bec woke up to open for them lorx... I was slping lyk pig lorx!! hahaha.. >.<.. I only know they came back because they took away the key -> cut off of electricity supply. It was too hot that's why I woke up, to find them sitting outside drinking sparkling juice! Erm..
Then all of us went back to slp saying that will wake up @ 4am then cycle to the beach to view the sun rise, but it rain!!! My god! However, thanks to Shi Hao.. We are able to view the Sun rise still... Sun rise, Sun Set, The sun and moon together, sun risin from the west!!! It was so damn funny!!! Those who were slping too bad!!..
After all those crap, all of them went back to slp, leaving only me and zor... lolx... shower, pack bag, watch TV... I enjoy staying with zor.. she is crappy!!

This is how they slp after all those crap. Yuling, Yun Quan, Min Jie and Xian Ping caught slping..

Shi Hao.. His slping pose is damn ugly can?! and his action is so big laRX!!!

Bec the pig and Jing Ying.
Day 3:woke all of them up and proceed to Mr. Bean to have our breakfast, then pack up, return bike and home sweet home!!
The journey back home with them is always so fast... Although the chalet just ended, I am starting to miss them! My god!!
Ps. Bec is a pig.. she can slp lyk dont know what even though the surrounding is so damn noisy...zzz and she can eat tons of things...
Not long after the BBQ, she return and take a small nap.. with all of us fooling around. Then we decide to go out and buy alochol therefore we woke her up... After she woke up and we still deciding want to drink now or after the night cycling she said this to me : " Yh, accompany me to cheers lehx. I want to go and buy something to eat, I am hungry. " - I faint. - She just eat so many things and now she claims that she is hungry.... zzz. In conclusion she is a pig... (-_-|||)
That's all for my chalet journey~~ hahaha.. will blog about my genting trip after that! Enjoy~
11:15 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 22, 2006
Oh ya.. Before I Forget... My parent celebrate my Birthday on Monday.. !! WWHHEE!! My b-day cake... hahaha.. So happy larx!!! I am one year older.. (>.<|||)... Nevertheless.. Thanks to those who give me all those wonderful wonderful present!!! Many thanks to those who SMS me to wish my Happy B-day.. And definitely, those who wish me on the MSN.. hahaha. Thanks! ^^
6:23 PM sprinklinq love Y
My friend set up this new shop on the net recently... The shop is nice.. ^^ Suitable for girls.. and guys who wanted to buy stuff for their female friends/GF...
It is an accessories shop...all items are done by her....Earring!! Necklaces! ^^ I love the item there so much!! As compare to retail shop outside, it is definitely cheaper outside!!! So drop by and take a look!! hahaha....
Ps.. entry about the chalet will be out after I come back from my Genting Trip.. Miss me!! Anyway, A very Happy Birthday to both me And Min Jie!
6:08 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, December 16, 2006
My common test is finished!! hahah.. So happy~ Chalet is coming in 3 days time!!! YAY!!! I wanna go star grazing!!! haha ^^.. There is so many things I wanna do.. \(^3^)/.. Including forgetting about him... I guess he still don't understand even after that post.. Oh well.
10:36 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sometimes I felt that I am soo stupid... Always getting upset over the smallest thing... What people think affect me soo much.. It is a bad sign isn't it?
I always wanted to listen, I wanted to not take so seriously about what you say, but I don't know why can't I do it. It is getting more and more hurtful, I thought I have already gotten over it, but I guess I am just deceiving myself. What I portray infront of you may not necessarily be how I felt now. If you can just be a little bit sensitive, maybe, just maybe things will be different by now. I hate myself for lying to myself. To lie to everyone out there. And when just a sentence by you, the lie will be destory, my wound will be painful once again.
So many times.. you may not mean what you said, but still it is as hurtful as you say that sentence 2 years ago. I don't want to toture myself anymore. Perhaps, when you are away, away from Singapore, I will then be able to clear away all the unwanted stuff... and when you come back, I will no longer be the old me. It may not meant anything to you. But at least, I don't have to lie to myself that I have gotten over you.
I am getting just as tired as you are. I will not be that cheerful forever, I will not be there for you forever, it is time for me to put down, to get use to my life that somehow you will not meant so much to me anymore. 1 year ago.. I promise myself to do that. 1 year later... I realise, I broke my promise. I no longer want to promise myself anything for the fear of me breaking the promise once again...
So for now, I pray, and I pray hard that we will remain as friend and no more hoping.
I am in a maze now... unable to find the way out. My friend guide me out pls. I need it desprately.
My friend actually related this story to me... Erm.. Actually it is not la.. It is one of my member wrote in a club... I think Somehow it sounds like me.. And i like the story a lot.. So post it up. - it is really not me... lol -... That's the problem of not putting credit... dots dots... -
11:42 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Today went to eat suki sushi with my Jie Jie and Shawn.. Sorry that We didnt call the rest of you, because we ask someone else.. Bt he didnt turn up in the end!!!! HAHA... So.. was late.... >.<... Woke up late, and my grandma came over, chatted with her then rush out~ lolx!!
After the lunch, Went to took neoprint.. ^^ SO happy!! hahaha... Then min jie and Xp came over to buy my present~~ WHEEEE!!! It was a Ring~ Let your take a look @ the present!!

Love it so much lorx!! And they engrave this wording for me : " Love- shape You "AAHHH!!! I love your also!!! ^^
Then went to Causeway to search for the damn Xmas' Present for them.. Yes, I buy le.. ^^ hahahaa... SO happy lorx~ hahaha...
Let your see my hamster...

Cute rite?! Love them.. ~~ Kiss
Then.. this is the time when I go kia kia with Jy, Sh, Baby, Min and Bec...

While waiting for the line to buy our blended ice.. and milk drink...

The previous not very nice.. We took one again!! AAHH!! this is nice!! hehe...
Yepp.. That's all... Having exam on monday.. So will be MIA for a few days... ^^ SEE YA~~
11:11 PM sprinklinq love Y
This one is for the Escape de..
I am too lazy to edit the rest - frm bec de.. will upload them after my common test nexh!! for now, just enjoy what I Took down with my handphone bah~ hehehe -

Bec on the Ferris Wheel... WHHEEE!~~~ It is nice.. hahaha

We are taking each other photo.. - lame -... What can I say? I am bored up there!! hahhaha

Together.. YES! They are on the same wheel.. hahah, Their wheel are just next to me la! that's why...

The 风景 outside the freaking small wheel... Hm.. Okie ba.. But if the thing can be @ a higher place.. WOW!!! It would be great lorx!!!
.... Actually the Escape is quite nice!! It's being such a long time since the gang come out together.. But the sad thing is that Jy wasnt able to make it.. (>_<||).. Overall it is nice... The ride wasnt that scary after all...
Anyway, something happen and That is BEC crIED!! -_-... She was on this Pirate ship with us.. Which isnt that scary... And she cried after moments the machine start!? - speechless - .. Partly because we - Me, Min And zor - are screaming like there is no tomorrow lorx.. HAHAHAHA.. And this terrify her... Lol... So funny la.. Gomen BeC... hehehehehe...
Ice-Cream, Pop Corns.. - yummy -...
Enjoy my day with them!! I love going out with the gang man!!!
10:58 PM sprinklinq love Y
This entry is long long long long time ago de.. hahaha... keep forgetting to postr up.. XD! Anyway, this happen on one of the sunday... hhaha, went out with my family to Sukura @ clementi to eat.. Oiishi nehx!!
They gt pizza, pasta, sushi... Cheese cake!!! OMG!!
SO nice la!!! dots dots.. Got time must go down there as a gang man!!! Yummy~ Yummy~~
10:11 PM sprinklinq love Y
I am gtting more and more fed up... zzz...
Do I have to ask your to tag and tell me about the decision mah?!
Do I have to call your one by one to rmb to tag on the gang blog mah?! - roll eye -
Cant your just tag?!?!?! Is tagging so damn freaking hard?!! My God... I don't understand why should I bother so much when nobody cares... Maybe I am just thinking too much. Maybe.. Maybe your are not as free as I am, always checking the gang's blog for entry... For information.. - I am too free. -
I give up.... on him... I wish I can. dots dots dots
1:03 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I am dying soon!!! AAHH!!! My hse is been repaint this few days... Frm blue to apple green aka light green.. OMG!! The whole hse is filled with that smell la!!! OMG OMG!!! It is lyk.. Plastic been melted?! lolx... Hais... Internal Injuries now...
5 more days to my exam... dots dots dots.
11:24 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Hm.. I am here to update on my list of what to watch le!!! hahaha...
So.. previously I was saying I wanna watch all those... refer to my previous entry.. now here comes the updated list!!!:
1) 花样少年少女 by Ella and 吴尊 - watch till Episode 2 -
2) 终极一班 by 飞伦海
3) 剪刀石头布 by 王绍伟 and 陈乔恩
4) 恶作剧之吻 by I think is 林依晨..
5) 七剑下天山 by 蔡邵芬 and 赵文卓(?)
6) 食神 by 仁甫
7) 魔剑 by 协志
8) 东方茱丽叶 by 林依晨 and 吴尊 - watch till Episode 2 -
9) 爱情大魔咒 by Ella - it is an old show. -
10) 战神 Mars. by 周渝民 and 大S
11) 一公升的眼泪 by some korean artist.. Think So.
12) 爱情魔法师 by 183 Club and Sweety
13) 紫禁之巅 by K-one and Sweety..
This is the drama part...Then still gt the em, anime part~ OMG!!!
1) Love Hina
2) Tsubasa
3) Love Cresent
4) The girl from hell
5) Honey and Clover
Siao.. so many show... -_-|||||
Anyway, I have one more wish~ I wanna to buy the CD of 花样少年少女!!!! Pls.. ur dont have to buy for me.. I am going to buy it myself... !!!! hahahaha...
Yinghui is mad!!!
12:18 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 01, 2006

Part of my family~~ hehehe

Their butt... lolx!!!Dont know who go and take it... funny~

us, on one of the game ride.. waiting for it to start~ hahah.. ^^
More pictures are coming out.. will upload it once bec send me~~ hehehe.. Enjoy.. Ps.. Ur want it to be uploaded in the gang blog ma? if so, tell me!! I will copy paste everything lorx~
5:34 PM sprinklinq love Y