Sunday, January 28, 2007
This story is from other people, which I got from the so-call forum.. It is a boy love story aka gay story. So for those who dont like Boy Love story, pls dont read... It is not something sexual okie! I just like the story line. Touching. The main character is Tony Sun and Sam Wong from 5566.. So pls, if you dont like them, go away.. Dont make any unecessary comments. It is rather long.. So enjoy. - I doubt anyone will read -
* * * *
12:27 AM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, January 26, 2007
Guys, this is a notice to everyone..
I will be having my exam on the first two weeks of FEB until 16 FEb which is my last paper.
My first paper will start on 5th FEB.
So within this period...try not to jio me out for outing... As for the IJC open house, I will try to make it.. 10 FEB as I have an exam on that day itself.. which will be ending at around 11am. So, I will confirm with your again. Then the ticket..I have help your booked two.. so the price divide it among yourself. haha
Cassandra's b-day is coming in a week time.. Pls remember to get her present.. haha.Then, she wanted a "surprise" on the day itself.. 6th Feb, a tuesday.. So discuss among then tell me how your wanna go about doing it.. I will try to cooperate.
Lastly, for the chinese new year house visiting.. I propose we go on the Sat, which is 24th FEB... Is that all right with all of you? If not, pls inform me early.. I wanna settle everything before chinese new year comes. ^^
yep that's all... Keep me update~
1:52 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, January 25, 2007
爱情教会我们都放不下This song fits my feeling..
I wanna love him, but I know I cannot..
Hiding it may be the best solution, but I know one day, things will get worse.
Backing out may seems the best, but.. can I do it?
After him... 1 year has passed.. within this year, concern for the other him increase... I dont know.. you can call me 花心. I know I am, but who knows, perhaps, in the very beginning, I have already fallen for him, just that I deny the fact, I escape from it. It is because of someone else I guess.
A long long time has passed since I have so 赤裸裸的 face my inner self. It is getting confusing. 我搞不懂,我们到底怎么了。。。我想不通
After the new year.. I am going to sort out my feeling for him... I am going to do so..
11:36 PM sprinklinq love Y
This entry is dedicated to WEE SHI HAO!!!
He has been pestering me for it..
How did we know each other de? Erm.. through choir I suppose..Cant really remember, 5 years le.. not too long and not too short~ but perhaps just enough to forget about stuff like this. I am old..
Well.. Knowing him is so... This guy, not too bad.. Good enough to be a friend, a good friend, a buddy.
He is someone not too bad.. a person you can crap with, show your true self to.. Just that sometimes, he like to pinch you.. bite you.. (-_-|||) Dont know why he like to do this. Oh ya, not to mention his wu shu and quarrelling skill is good...
Anyway, really happy that I got to know him. Enjoy his company!! haha
Shi hao.. happy? Lol...
1:21 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Was watching Spirited Away yesterday night. Was boardcast on Channel U. I like the show.. Not matter how many times I have watch it, I will still be so touch.. While showing the credit.. There was this song " ALways with Me" Very nice.. It's music is quite saddening.. But nevertheless, it was still nice.!
The lyrics:
Yondeiru Mune no Dokoka Okude
Itsumo Kokoro Odoru Yume wo Mitai
Kanashimi wa Kazoekirenai kedo
Sono Mukou de Kitto Anata ni Aeru
Kurikaesu Ayamachi no Sonotabi Hito wa
Tada Aoi Sora no Aosa wo Shiru
Hateshinaku Michi wa Tsuzuite Mieru keredo
Kono Ryoute wa Hikari wo Dakeru
Sayonara no Toki no Shizukana Mune
Zero ni Naru Karada ga Mimi wo Sumaseru
Ikiteiru Fushigi Sinde Iku Fusigi
Hana mo Kaze mo Machi mo Minna Onaji
Yondeiru Mune no Dokoka Oku de
Itsumo Nando demo Yume wo Egakou
Kanashimi no Kazu wo Iitsukusu yori
Onaji Kuchibiru de Sotto Utaou
Tojiteiku Omoide no Sono Naka ni Itsumo
Wasure takunai Sasayaki wo Kiku
Konagona ni Kudakareta Kagami no Ue nimo
Atarashii Keshiki ga Utsusareru
Hajimari no Asa Shizuka na Mado
Zero ni Naru Karada Mitasarete Yuke
Umi no Kanata niwa Mou Sagasanai
Kagayaku Mono wa Itsumo Koko ni
Watashi no Naka ni Mitsukerareta Kara
Somewhere, a voice calls, in the depths of my heart
May I always be dreaming, the dreams that move my heart
So many tears of sadness, uncountable through and through
I know on the other side of them I'll find you
Everytime we fall down to the ground we look up to the blue sky above
We wake to it's blueness, as for the first time
Though the road is long and lonely and the end far away, out of sight
I can with these two arms embrace the light
As I bid farewell my heart stops, in tenderness I feel
My silent empty body begins to listen to what is real
The wonder of living, the wonder of dying
The wind, town, and flowers, we all dance one unity
Somewhere a voice calls in the depths of my heart
keep dreaming your dreams, don't ever let them part
Why speak of all your sadness or of life's painfull woes
Instead let the same lips sing a gentle song for you
The whispering voice, we never want to forget,
in each passing memory always there to guide you
When a miror has been broken, shattered pieces scattered on the ground
Glimpses of new life, reflected all around
Window of beginning, stillness, new light of the dawn
Let my silent, empty body be filled and reborn
No need to search outside, nor sail across the sea
Cause here shining inside me, it's right here inside me
I've found a brightness, it's always with me
2:02 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Credit: Shi Hao.
你明白吗?无奈。。。 - 这就是答案。 -
11:59 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Things had gotten out of hand within three days.. Three Days!! Can you imagine that?! This prove that if someone is really determine to get what she wanted, she can do it in a very short time huh?! Hmm.. Anyway, what over is over like what old man say.. there is nothing we can do now.. just hope that her mum wont restricted her from going out with us... >.<
Seriously, I dont know anyone else other than the gang is reading this.. And I know that, as a friend i shouldnt say things like this.. But I really cannot bear with it anymore... This is something not very nice... So pls... if you read the first sentence and feel very angry or feel that I shouldnt have bother about it, LEFT! If not dont finish reading and tag me with " Oh, dont bother about your friend stuff when you couldnt even handle your own stuff." Pls Left! And if you dont the 来龙去脉.. pls dont comment as well.. It will only make me piss off...
Not because I am their friend so I am saying this.. There are a lot of things which we cannot stop. Such as falling in love... It is not surprising at all that we teenagers at this age fall in love. True, as a parent, as someone senior, your believe that we are still young, we shouldnt get too close with this drug known as LOVE.. You are not wrong.. but, seriously, if you told us that we are still young, we should focus on study and move on... I don't believe that you at our age didnt fall in love!! 将心比心 pls.. If you are telling me now that they being together is affecting their study life, I have nothing to say if you break the both of them up... cause it is realy for their own good.. But now what?! You break them up because he is a flirt! OMG!! I know you are afraid that she will be hurt, but.. this is her choice isnt it?! If she really do get hurt in the end, she will have to bear with the consequence... Instead, you are here to stop them.. What good will you get?! She will only hate you... Sometimes, I just dont understand.. you claim that by doing so it is for her own good.. So can you tell me.. Or pin-point to me what and where is the good?! I just dont understand. Sorry for being so 肤浅.
That's all... I dont wanna say anymore.. I am just so upset by what has happen...
10:01 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Two weeks had passed.. = I have start my Semster 2 term 2 for two weeks le.. So what had I done within this two weeks? Cramp with both presentation, proposal, tests and new project! >.<|||. Just this week, I have to complete two tests and two presentation, which includes a skit.. OMG! It was such a busy week for me.. everyday lesson until 3plus.. lecture lecture lecture... Study for test.. etc etc. Need to catch up with friend, do my own stuff.. AAHH!! Life is getting harder and harder by now...
Cry.. hopefully, I will have a better week next week. hehehe
12:13 AM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I don't know if it is my wrong thinking or what.. But.. Sometimes, if you don't wish to take the first step.. no one is there to wait... When you have taken the first step.. the rest of the step will follow.. this goes to the same for friendship. I am not trying to say that the circle of our friendship is very big. 11 people is not that big afterall. But sometime, it is really beyond our control that we have favourites... - not arrowing to anyone pls. - I mean not really favourites, but maybe we have common topic and stuff like that.. that's why. We are not trying to outcast you or anything..
Sometimes, when I stop doing everything and relax.. you guys will just appear in my mind.. I know.. by now I should have already settle down, and to get use to this idea.. But it is diffcult.. To be frank, up till now, I still can't really get use to the idea that I couldn't see your/meet your like before. Four years of meeting each other everyday. Four year, every morning after waking up, your will be the one I will be seeing.. Till evening.. It is just so hard that I am now facing a whole new bunch of stranger face... >.<..
Hais.. time flies... and I don't know what is my future..
10:11 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, January 07, 2007
I cant believe how suay I am lorx!!
The very first day of 2007.. My hamster went missing.. And I suspect it is the doing of the damn stray cat!
The second day of 2007... Erm.. Nothing really happen...
The third day of 2007... Sch reopen and My friend sis say she dont want tution.. >.<. This means I am out of job!!
The forth Day of 2007... I trip and fall.. = injured my knee!!!
The fifth day of 2007... I am sick... Down with a cough and sore throat...
The sixth day of 2007 - today -... Cough and sore throat turn even worse despite me drinking all those honey... And now.. I am having a minor runny nose... >.<||||
Can someone explain to me what is happening!?? Guess I need to go and bai bai le... AAHH!!
1:08 AM sprinklinq love Y
I know.. I didnt blog like for dont know who many days... Gomensai!!! >.<.. So after 1/1/2 days after the chalet, My family, together with my two cousin and their aunite, cum my grandpa, we went to genting!! Whee~~~
Day 1:23/12/06 
My little cousin.. Ting Ting

Their auntie..

Us on the car towards genting~

Ting Ting's brother... Han Wei.
Well, We drive for 4 hrs before stopping and stuff... Reach Genting by 4pm?! And check in norx... ^^ For the very first day, we settle the dinner ourself... Mac.. Easy and fast! Hahaha... Then went to the Arcard to play and resting time~~
Day 2: 24/12/06We went to this Dim Sum Restuarant...and had our breakfast there.

The place name..

Eaten up Dim Sum

Prawn Dumpling?! I forgt

Yummy!! Dont believe?! Look @ my mum!

As christmas was around the corner... you can see christmas almost everywhere lorx..

White christmas... Hmmm... A little bald lorx

This lady here.. she is fake de larx!!! But if you are walking near her, look really close to her eyes.. it is as if her eyes is following you... =p
We went to play this Machine...

And this is our prize!!!

Went to play the ticket machine and exchange this for Ting Ting... Kawaii~

This is my dinner... So nice!!

Us inside the hotel room resting..

This two was taken @ first world plaza... Countdown party over there... super high!!!
Day 3: 25/12/06Went back to S'pore...

Proudly present to you.. My breakfast..Yong Tau Foo cum Chee Chong Fan... Lol

Brother wanton mee.

The morning view of Genting... Nice~

Your shld know... That period of time, johor was flooded... THis few pix was taken when we drive pass through to Johor... >.<. Just look @ how muddy the water is!

Crab.. from a not so good view..

crab shell... with the egg!! OMG!

The duck...
This is how Genting Asumement Park look like In the morning:

This is how Genting Asumemet Park Look like in the night:

Well... This ends my genting tripp... The pictures say it all.. Lol
12:34 AM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
A new year has started... This is my last year new year resoultion.. So let's see what I have completed so far.. ^^
1. Stop all those lame action... * very diffcult * - not cleared. -
2. Stop being so irritating... - not yet cleared -
3. Be more Zu Guan... Dont always follow what friends doing... - urm.... -
4. Stop being a Idiot.. - (-_-|||)
5. Learn Japanese!! * xp... you can jio me ya? * - Nope -
6. Learn guitar... - Nope -
7. Read more English STORYBOOKS!!!!!!!! * gonna force myself to do so. * - Cleared -
8. Read more CHINESE STORYBOOKS!!!!!!!! - cleared -
9. Write more story... - cleared.. if you consider 2 and a half story many -
10. More Ideas for story? - cleared -
11. More creative! * hehehe * - Cleared -
12. Complete my task punctually... - Cleared -
13. Save more money - Half way done.. -
Lol.. Seems to me lots of my target not hit eh?! Lol.. Nvm. Forget abt it.. New Year, New Start, New Target! Hopefully, I am able to cleared all of them! ^^
2007 Target:
1) To cope with my tedious studies.. and Pass with @ least a AD
2) To help my student to get an A1 for her O lvl e-math
3) To get rid of my slacking mood
4) To stop thinking of him... - (-_-|||)
5) Learn Japanese!!
6) Learn guitar...
7) Catch up with the gang
8) Read more CHINESE Story
9) To make my unique earring.
10) Save money
11) To spend my time wisely
12) To complete my whole list of Drama/Anime on you-tube... Lol
Well... Pretty simple ehX?! haha.. I will do it de!! Gambatte to myself! ^^
9:42 PM sprinklinq love Y
WEnt to watch Deathnote 2 The last name yesterday!!!of course together with my darling friends... Whee~
They came over to my hse for mahjong and PS2 before proceeding to West Mall for the movie. =) Happy~~
Anyway, the ending for the deathnote... Erm.. Let just say, I dont quite like the ending.. somehow, it is stupid.. >.<|||... But overall it is a nice show!! I like how "L" Solve all those things.!!! So li hai.. Impress by him man! Their IQ is so damn high can?! Can plot until like that.. zzz..
Hm... Dont know if i should go and watch Deathnote manga a not.. Lolx!!!
3:28 PM sprinklinq love Y