Thursday, June 28, 2007
I am back to blogging la!! whee!
Came back from genting last sunday~
Won a soft toy back! whee!! Love that soft toy man!! =)
Anyway, got back my common test paper.. 66.5/100 and 10/20. -.-
super sian la though I put effort in it! But nvm, I will and I can do better! If i believe in myself, I can do it!! =)) Encourage me on pple!
Anyway, this month - JULY - outing.quan will be organising it lorx! hehehe~ So anything ask her! Ps: Dont ask too many times, if not she will be piss off and give you a whole string of vulgar! hahahahah
Kay la, update some other day~
Ps: How did your guys fare for your exam?
3:04 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Damn it! I was typing halfway when everything went missing~ stupid! Even if blogger have this autosaving thingy.. my draft went blank! -.-""
As i was saying in the missing post..
I am back to updating! =) Current life status: Busy Busy Busy.. With work, computer and definitely my darling MP3! hahaahah - ying hui is going crazy! - =P
Anyway, I will be away from Singapore from Friday Night to Genting~ ^^
Dont call me unless something very important happen.. For example: Someone hse caught fire - touchwood -. Some cutie being born out.. - babies, hamster babies~ -
Ps: Frm the above entry, you will know I am really mad!
All right.. ying hui has completed her mad entry for now! =)
12:44 AM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Ytd went to parkmall for the gang outing cum, Xp belated birthday celebration.. Lol!!
Before having out lunch, the grp were separated into three..
Xp and Sh went to border - damn long way can! -
Darrell and Shawn went to have lunch over @ plaza Sin..
The rest of us went shopping @ plaza sin together with baby - sh's younger bro -.
It was a hell load of fun can!! Shopping with the girls! They are crazy!! =) Bought Xp's and Shawn's b-day present! It was soooo Creative of us man! hahahah - boxer -
At around 4++ proceed back to Park Mall and wait for Jy
Went to QQ拉面 for early dinner, then walk all the way to Ngee Ann city to take bus~
Though tiring, but it was fun!! I really enjoy their presence! =) Glad that they are my friends! Gosh! Even though I just met up with them ytd, I am missing them now.
Oh Ya, ytd chance upon one song.. so nice~ Not only is it nice, but the lyrics itself is meaningful~
Song Title: 萍聚
5:10 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, June 09, 2007
You know, this is my first time I actually broke down because of one small common test.. OMG!
I was tearing without any result this morning before I head towards for my exam! >.<"
unbelievable man!!
Never in my life, including O's Level had I breakdown before.. Funny isn't it??
It is as if, the older one has become, the more vulnerable one will be.
hais! life is getting harder and harder.
12:41 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Back to blogging again.
Tml will be the final common test paper after which I will get to enjoy two weeks of holidays! Finally, after studying for 8 weeks.. - two months -
I have seriously give up on my Principle of Marketing.. Theory theory and more theory!! Gosh! It is as if I am studying Geograhpy.. -.-"
Just now browse through my old entry, one word to say "Childish".
Sometimes it is a wonder why I had blog that way back then. Oh Well, afterall it is like 3 years ago!? =)) hahaha.. Stupid me!
old memories huh?
10:54 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, June 03, 2007
damn damn!!!!!!!!! There is something growing in/on/at my eyes!!!
God! I don't know! And there is a swelling around my eye lid!! My double eye lid is gone GONE!!! - roar -
It is painful, and the swelling just won't go down! Gosh!!
Currently using teabag to try to reduce the swelling so that I can concentrate for my exam tml.. Hopefully by tml the swelling will go away.. -.-

can you see the different between both eyes? Lol

My grandpa gave this to me when he came back from china! So beautiful!
9:51 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Went to watch Spiderman 3 this morning together with, Shawn, Shawn's sis and shu ming.
The movie was nice! Think through quite a bit after watching the movie… A person should never be greedy. Be it for power or money, it will eventually hurt one beside you and definitely lost yourself. Hmm...
Proceed to Pasta Mania for lunch, had baked rice. Yummy!!! It is really very nice! =))
After lunch went to the world book fair.. Seriously, I was a bit disappointed la.. The book fair wasn’t very big even though we took 2 hours to finish the whole book fair.. Not much of Chinese books.. >.< “” sian!
Second time to the book fair, as compared to the first time, the second time is definitely not as good.. humans! They are forever comparing.. The only same thing is that, this time round, I also walk till my foot are sore.. Lol..
Anyway, this concludes my outing for today~ Fun but sore.. eprx..
11:21 PM sprinklinq love Y