Thursday, July 26, 2007
Was up for a marketing presentation on Tuesday, 24/7/07..
Didnt know anything about it till I msg my friend and ask how was the progress of the project coming along.. and gosh that was like one hour before the freaking presentation! Damn it!! They didnt send me anything!! Nothing! Not even the final powerpoint slide!! Piss off.. Had to rush through the whole damn thing 10 minutes before the presentation. The other group went ahead first.. My group was the last, and it took me a few second before I realise the whole of my part, PROMOTION for IpoD went utterly wrong! Gosh! Redo the whole part during the others presentation.. =.=""
In the end the result of my presentation.. You don't even have to use your brain to think.. I screw up my presentation. - Piss -
I know I shouldn't blame my team-mate.. BUT! I did told them to go through my part again and see if there is anything wrong.. no call no nothing.! - roar -! Forget it, I must blame myself for that lousy presentation!
Anyway, very very very happy today for we went to Chinese Garden, Japanese Garden, not forgetting the Chinese Heritage @ NTU!!
LolX! Quite fun, and it is not that boring afterall!!
On the way back, the guys were playing poker and watch them playing.. It is as if having a good lesson on Poker man!! I must say that classmate of my is one 狠角色! He even went to Las Vagas's * did I get it right?! * casino!! OMG! That's like soooo.. I don't know. heh.
Anyway, currently other than Xiaxue as one of my favourite blogger... There's another one.. I tell your, this blogger, he is funny! His life is just so OMG!! Suay, stupid but interesting! hahaha.. Spend a few hours reading through all his past entries.. PS: If you are interested to know him.. Do read his blog frm the start all right?!
A short introduction about him..
He call himself sibeh Sian... Something reading his entries make you very sian as well, cause you can never imagine how " Heng " he is.. ahah!!
Do check out his blog people!
10:51 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, July 23, 2007
Some Quote to share~
11:03 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, July 16, 2007
Was slping ytd night and had a dream..
I rmb within the dream.. there are the gang.. I can't rmb what we were talking abt.. but I rmb something about movie..
I suddenly say this!
I can still rmb very clearyly what I said lorx! muhaa!!
Anyway, this is to help my friend to promote de~
There is this Sch Hunks and Babe contest held by channel U. " Hey! Gorgeous "
and he is in... so.. If you can.. take a look and vote for him * willingly *
Click Herethanks people!
6:04 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, July 15, 2007
All Right, after much postponing, I finally went to Watch TRANSFORMERS!! But! Hell, I missed the first few minutes because my mum was late. -.-""
Here are the storyline/plot of the movie. Ps: If you haven watch it, and you wanted to watch.. just skip this part~
The film begins with the history of Cybertron's destruction at the hands of Megatron, and his quest to obtain the Allspark. Megatron discovers the Allspark on Earth, but crash-lands in the Arctic Circle, becoming frozen in the ice. Captain Archibald Witwicky and his crew of explorers stumble upon Megatron's body in the late 19th century. Megatron's navigational system is unintentionally activated, and Archibald's eye glasses are imprinted with the coordinates to the Allspark's location. Sector 7, a secret organization of the United States government, discovers the Allspark and builds the Hoover Dam around it to mask the energy signal. The still-frozen Megatron is moved into this facility, and is reverse engineered to further advance human technology.
In the present day, the rest of the Decepticons — Blackout, Scorponok, Frenzy, Barricade, Starscream, Bonecrusher, and Devastator — have already landed on Earth and assumed the disguise of Earth vehicles. Blackout and Scorponok attack a U.S. military base in Qatar in an effort to use the military database to discover the location of Megatron and the Allspark, but they do not succeed. A small group of survivors from the military base attack wander through the desert and are attacked by Scorponok. The Autonomous Robotic Life Form (shortened to "Autobot") known as Bumblebee is also on Earth, disguised as a 1977 Chevrolet Camaro, and looking for Sam Witwicky, the descendant of Captain Archibald Witwicky. As soon as he locates Sam, the two quickly begin to bond as Bumblebee helps Sam try and woo his crush, Mikaela Banes; Sam is unaware of the fact that Bumblebee is an alien, until he witnesses Bumblebee transform and send out a homing signal for the rest of the Autobots. After Blackout's failure, Frenzy infiltrates Air Force One and discovers that Sam possesses the map, imprinted on Captain Witwicky's glasses, that will lead the Decepticons to the Allspark. Frenzy and Barricade begin tracking Sam's location.
Barricade confronts Sam, demanding Archibald's glasses. Bumblebee, who is following Sam, transforms and battles Barricade. Mikaela, who is also following Sam, is caught in the crossfire, and leaves with Sam and Bumblebee to rendezvous with the rest of the Autobots. The Autobots — Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide, and Ratchet — land on Earth and take on the forms of several Earth vehicles. Sam, Mikaela, and the Autobots return to Sam's home to retrieve the glasses. However, agents from Sector 7 arrive to take Sam and Mikaela into custody. Bumblebee is also apprehended, against the pleas of Sam who assures the agents - to no avail - that he means them no harm.
Frenzy secretly accompanies the group to the Hoover Dam, and releases Megatron from suspended animation. Locating the Allspark, he sends out an alert to the rest of the Decepticons. Megatron escapes, and Sam convinces the Sector 7 agents to release Bumblebee so that he can get the Allspark to Optimus Prime. The Decepticons chase the Autobots, who now possess the Allspark, into a neighboring city. An ensuing battle results in casualties for both sides, with Sam destroying Megatron and the Allspark when he rams the cube into Megatron's chest. Optimus Prime mourns the loss of his comrad Jazz. The remains of the Decepticons are cast into the Laurentian Abyss. With no other home to go to - Cybertron having been destroyed by Megatron - the Autobots decide to stay on Earth, and Optimus sends out a signal across space in an effort to locate any surviving Autobots, while Sam and Mikaela begin a relationship. Starscream, one of the Decepticons that survived the battle, leaves Earth.The movie is nice~ funny and exciting! ^^
Some of the pictures..

He is the male lead, Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky

She is the female lead, Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes

He is rather handsome huh?!Josh Duhamel as Cpt William Lennox

Tyrese Gibson as TSgt Epps, an air-force conntroller.

Rachael Taylor as Maggie Madsen: An expert in signal detection and decoding assisting the Department of Defense.

He is one funny guy.
The rest of the pictures will be the robots~
The Good GUYS~ Autobots

optimus Prime, leader


Jazz in battle mode~

Jazz Standard Mode

The BADDIE~ Decepticon

Megatron~ leader

Same as the above

Lastly, The GREAT MAN who made it possible for this movie to be screen!!

Michael Bay, The Director of the movie!
5:03 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, July 13, 2007
Oh my God! I am so happy!! v ^.^ v
Your must be thinking I am crazy right!? lol..
Anyway, do your have any idea who is Frankie Lam Man Lung?

This is him!
hahaha~ I am crazy! I just love his acting!! Very nice.! So far watch quite a few drama from him! For example, Colourful Life 錦繡良緣, Virtues of Harmony 皆大歡喜 and Virtues of HarmonyII 皆大歡喜2 * halfway through *, Face to Fate 布衣神相 for now trying to watch, Forensic Heroes 法證先鋒 and Witness To A Prosecution 洗冤錄.
Call me crazy for all I care~ But that's not the best part la! Check out his profile!
英文名 Frankie Lam Man Lung
綽號 文龍
國籍 中国
籍貫 廣東省番禺
1967年12月19日(39歲) 英屬香港
生肖 未羊
星座 人馬座
職業 演員、歌手
語言 國語、粵語、英語
身高 178cm
體重 70kg
教育程度 中學畢業
配偶 郭可盈
音樂類型 粵語流行音樂
出身地 中國香港
活躍年代 1987年至今
唱片公司 正視音樂有限公司
相關團體 太陽之子
understand now? wahahhaha!!!!! la~lA`La~ So happy now!
Some of his pictures!

Him, in Face to Fate.

I am a happy girl!
12:11 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, July 12, 2007
This is something for your to see.. meaningful! I mean it!
Click Here
9:25 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, July 08, 2007
12:18 AM sprinklinq love Y
Went for the tutoring programme today~
Had two new tutor.. Hope they are getting on track. =))
The kids damn cute lorx! Maybe with the exception of zhe hong and tian lai.. Gosh! The two of them cannot sit together!! CannoT!! - roar -
Went to Bpp for 2 hrs lunch before heading to the workshop~ Min join us today~ So fun!!
Tian Lai was in for the workshop. o.0"
I especially like the part where we were playing the balloon~ Lol... Monkey!!
And he keep complaining to Miss Diana that we 3 VS 1, unfair... =) Had a good time laughing~ Looking forward to the next session~ Lower primary where there will be more GIRLS!
Went to Lot 1 to borrow books, buy pen, Neoprint with min~ Whee! So fun!!
Had a hard time choosin the earrings~ 6 years of friend 不是做假的拉!Our taste quite similar leh!! haha, 3 pairs same design just that the colouring is different for one

Love the earrings!!
Ytd was my DiDi b-day.. his cake!

Some of the pictures I took when I am away i Genting~!

12:07 AM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Went to the ICA building ytd to update my passport photo.. Was " warn " by the office over at the custom lorx!
OMG! The people there.. Gosh.. so pack! Filled with children.. -.-
Queue for like one and a half hour just to take four pathetic passport photo - didnt take it beforehand - ..
Wait for 3 whole hours!!! Including one and a half hr for photo taking, just for a five minutes of ensuring stuff, and to be told to collect the passport the next day! -.-!!
It was sooo stupid can?! 3 WHOLE HOURS!!! I could have done tons of things within that 3 HOURS la! I can like study two whole chapter of My Principle of Marketing, which have failed by 1 1/2 marks.. o.0 damn damn damn!! Not to mention coming online and surf the net! -.-""" stupid!! Qi si wo le!!
All right, shall not mention it anymore!!
Anyway, while I was there waiting for my turn for the photo taking thing, I overheard this man and his maid lo..
" If you know the lift is full, then tell me, stop standing like a fool! Idiot! "
And that dumb man keep scolding that damn sentence consecutive 3 times kay?! I was like so irritated by that dumb man la! I mean, the maid is trying to take care of your daughter who have such an itchy hand that keep pressing the lift button.. and there you are scolding her like there is no tml.. Even though you are pushing the 推车.. What is that!? Even though you are pushing the 推车..For godness sake, so what if you pay for it?! It doesnt give you the right to scold her like that! No, not scold, it is an insult! There is always such people around huh? who doesnt appreciate others. Always thinking they are the best. If you are really that great, pls, dont hire a maid, take care of your child yourselF!! #.# Poor maid! Is Singaporean all alike!? No wonder there are maid abusing happening so often! arrgg!!
Maid is also humans! They deserve our RESPECT! - roar - Angry once again!!!
Shall not let that matter bother me anymore~ =)
Credit: 溪恒
11:54 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, July 02, 2007
Hey!! If you are free.. Go do this friend test!! It is simple la!!
12:23 AM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Last sat, went to BP moral centre for the tution thingy, but no students!! Gosh, only the kids we meet last time where there.. Like, xin yi, celine, bradon, clement and others.. cant rmb.
So we stayed there and help out in there work. Marking their books and stuff like that. Right, maybe I have age liao la! I cant understand kids logic!!
One of the kid ask me:什么人不怕冷。。。 答案:雪人.. I was stunned for a few second man! Oh gosh!! Where did they learn all this from!?
Then they attack Cassandra! Lol.. Bite her -.- and their saliva, oh man! Disgusting!
-.- Kids will always be kids.. Just like what we were in the past huh?!
haha~ stay there till 12 before we proceed to BPP for lunch!
Ah! I enjoy there company la!! Big kiss to them!! Mauckx!
11:17 PM sprinklinq love Y