Monday, September 24, 2007
Now in the office~ Waiting to start work.. hahah Slacking - opps -
Anyway, just now on the bus, memories of the PLAY I had last semster.. hahaha. So funny when I think of it now!
It is so good to think back sometimes! =) The fond memories.
Maybe it is because I am getting older, It is like I tend to think back more and more.. What do you call this?!
Needa go now! Have work to complete! ^^
Oh.! Before I really go off.. Just want to say soemthing.
I love you guys!
8:43 AM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Yet another week is gone! Gosh! How can times flies so fast without me noticing it!?
That's soooo.. - Don't know how to say. -
Anyway, I think ever since I started my attachment, my memory has start to fail me. - once again! - hahaha. That incident is soo stupid that I dont feel like mentioning it again. hehe
Anyway, for my work.. I was suppose to find the historical use of Cairnhill Road.. - it is in between Scotts Road and Bukit Timah Road -. If your feels bored and have nothing to do, perhaps your can take out your street directory and locate this Cairnhill Road.! hahaha - I know it is stupid kay! You don't have to remind me about it-
On Friday, had this talk with our Colleague from New Zealand. Not bad quite nice.. And he has working experience for 16 years! Wow!! So li hai eh!!
Anyway, I finally went to watch the "rat" movie ytd with Bec, Shawn and Sl.
That movie is nice!! Keep laughing through out.. But the minus thing is.. I got a headahce when I came out from the cinema!!! =.="""""
Overall the rating is nice! and I have a fun day! =)))
Ps: Thanks Shawn For the Harry Potter book!!! and of course! Wu Zun's poster!! whee!!
5:38 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Know what? Sometimes, when you get used to one environment or some sort of work, you will tend to realize “Hey! It is not that boring after all.”
For me, it is indeed this way (Referring to my attachment @ Shaw Tower)
In the first week of my attachment, things are still new to me… How to go to the freaking building on the first day taking the bus…Which bus Stop to drop off, how to walk there, how long does the bus journey take.. Blah blah blah (Ps: This is the only time when I am awake throughout the whole bus journey.)
Reach there; have to ensure that it is the right place. Right company… lolx!
Then, the orientation, getting familiar of the company… where each department is suited at, the pantry, the copier room, the conference/meeting room. Most importantly, to know the people over there, who is my boss, my colleagues and lastly my mentor. =)
The second day of the first week, I am trying hard to get use to the so-called office life. Hah! Things didn’t really go smoothly, cause I am to the environment… – Cry –
My boss was not around (away for business trip…), being posted to some department which is not what I am studying =.=
Everything is just so off man! It is a huge relief for me when Friday approaches.
The second week of attachment, work starts to settle in and I am getting use of waking up @ 6am each day, prepare for work (breakfast/shower), 1 hour journey to office, Office time, Lunch, Office and home sweet home. =) Boring life huh?! Not really ba…
In the office, you have to learn everything from the beginning from the basic; how to cope with all different types of works and your colleagues.
The third week (this week) I have learn how to operate the copier plus the binding machine! Muhahah! So happy can! How often are you given the chance to operate copier machines and to bind paper using the binding machine!?
Don’t laugh kay?! Though this may sound stupid enough… Others may even feel, what so great about able to operate the binding machine?
Well, at least I am given the chance to do so right?
In fact, I enjoy the whole process! Learn from the mistakes which I made here and there. I improve myself!!! Whee!! By the end of this week, I can proudly tell you that, I am able to bind things easily!! Heheh!!
Maybe some of you will feel, “Nah! It is so easy! Why are you so proud?!”
Things can look easy but you will never know it till you really operate the thing~ =))
The whole of my attachment will last about 7 weeks. Today is already the end of the third week, four more weeks to go and I am starting to miss the people and the food here! =( (Take note, it is only the people here and the food, not the work kay?!)
I know, in the near future after I complete my attachment, I don’t ever have to wake up as early as 6am to catch the 7.15am bus, nor do I able to reach the office as early as 8am (working time starts from 8.30am) nor can I have the chance to step into Bugis Junction every afternoon during lunch time, step into Robinson located at Raffles City every evening after work, not able to smell the perfume of Chanel brand
Not a very good feeling neh! I know I will miss all the people working in the company especially those sitting near me. Deep down, I have a gut feeling that I will not be able to meet them anymore after my attachment finish – unless, if I have another attachment, I am attach back again! –
Tsk Tsk.. The emotion me is coming back.. gotta run le! Just in case I suddenly cry.. bleh!
2:35 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, September 14, 2007
Got back my result today.. Pass everything although some of the module/subject just pass..!! OMG! I am so happy you know?!
This few days have been worrying abt my results especially my econs..!!
Wahahhahaha!!! Now I can relax and really concentrate on my attachment!! =)
Congrax me ba!!
9:06 AM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, September 07, 2007
Kay.. Two weeks have past since I go for my attachment.. Not too bad actually! Just that sometimes, it gets pretty boring.. =,="
Rmb my last entry, I mention that I have finally meet my boos?
She is lady. - Obivously.. I say SHE le -
anyway, she is Amercian, and her English.. Well.. Erm.. very different from Singaporean English.. hahah!
Anyway, I wasnt really given anything to be done by her.. hahah.. so.. Nothing special I guess.. Anyway, Lyk my horoscope suggest, I am not someone who likes to be tied down to one place doing those 9-5 work.. - boring -
Oh well! However I dont mind doing HR stuff since It is soo much better!! hahaha!
ah.. Enough of this.. So.. I will just update on my attachment some other day~ Ta-Da!
9:55 PM sprinklinq love Y