Saturday, October 27, 2007
Oh well, today is like any other saturday.. BUT!! I have one extra activity other than going for the volunteer tution, and that is ----- BOWLING!!! Whee!!!
I shall start with my volunteer tution first.
THe boys.. Other than Zhe Hong and Byran.. The rest are still erm.. o-k-a-y la.. Not too bad nor very good..
The girls.. hmm, maybe they are getting closer to us.. or maybe we are too good to them, they are getting erm.. more out of control man! =.=" Tsk Tsk Tsk Lesson learn = Never be too good to your student or too close to them. If not they will not be afraid of you! Kua Kua Kua..
After the tution, together with min, meet up with shawn. Went for lunch at PAsta MAnia.. - I didnt even know Westmall gt one la! - Not too bad! VEry VERY full after that! Then!!! MEet with soon leng and my di di, hong yuan and off we go to the civil Service club @ bukit batok for bowling!! muhaaax!
We played - Shawn, min, di di and me - 4 rnds and soon leng played 3 rnds cus he needa go off early. Okie.. First round.. - 28 points out of erm.. 300 points? Lolx!
Even min, first time playing win me can!? by 10 points lorz... Oh man!! I am like so lousy!! =.="".. This went on for the next 2 rnds kay.. with my points not over 50.. =((
That Soon leng and Shawn ar!! So good can!! =.=" So hard to catch up with them la! and somemore they have STRIKE and SPARSE~ OMG!! That's like so bian tai can!?
Soon Leng case can understand la, cus before his enlistment, he play bowling almost every other week soo..
but SHAWN?! OMG!!!!he must have practice on himself before playing with us! LOXL!
Anyway, my didi, his standard.. like drop a lot like that.. hahahaah
BEt with him, if he is able to gt 3 STRIKES or SPARSE, I will pay for him -> One Game la.. Then in any game, if there is @ least 1 STRIKES or SPARSE, I will pay for his shoe! BUT! Sadly.. None of it happen!! hahahaha!!!
Hmmm.. but sometimes miracle do happen.. Right after sl left.. Whoa! My hidden potential surfaced!! I scored a high point - to me la! - of 78 points!!! 78 POINTS kay??? muhhhhaxxx!!! So damn happy la!! In the end, my total score, as in total score for 4 rnds I win MIN JIE and HONG YUAN!! WHEEE!!!!
From now on, those who wants to play bowling hor.. CAll me along kay?! I waNT TO train my bowling skill!! la!la!la!!!
Last but not least, the lesson learn from round 1 to round 4 is.. -> That's the difference btw with SL around and without him around.. hahaha! The stress source is not that ba!~
That's all, pictures will be coming up soon! =)
8:07 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, October 18, 2007
New Song for my baby blog~~!
再见by 阿牛
I love the lyric!!
First hear it frm YES933.. Almost cried on the bus~ the lyric! WOW!!
listen carefully kay?
6:27 PM sprinklinq love Y
I am back!!
Just a brief update kay?
So, my attachment has offically finish, and the last day is soooo.. I am so emo that day can!! Almost cry when I step out of the office the very very last time! All those good luck and wishes from the jie jie and kor kor... - cry -
Anyway, Went to genting.. so felt better. At least something to distract me~ hehe.
Not to bad~ This time round my cousin join us, had much more fun compare to only me and my bro~
so fun! Too bad, Lady luck didnt follow me throughout the whole journey!! Won $6 the first day and the second day... negative $50!! Can you believe it!? Of Course the money is in RM la! And that sum of money last me through for 4 and half hrs kay! ^^
Pictures will be coming up soon, hopefully! Pray hard eh!
6:00 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, October 08, 2007
If you are wondering why didn't I update last weekend.. erm.. It is not that I am lazy.. Just that my energy is being zapped by tons of things! For example, working on the weekdays, volunteering on Sat Morning, Lunch with Min and Shawn, Granny house.. And not forgetting,
Not bad la that game! Must Thanks Min for introducing that game!
Anyway, enough of that. If you want to know what happen on Sat, do check out Min's xanga! I am too lazy to blog about it!!
I think, I am really getting old!! =.=""
In the past right, I can stay through the night till say 3am and wake up the next day at around 9am.. but for now, I actually can't even survive through 1am!!! OMG!!
Just ytd, at around half past 10 (night), I am already yawning like crazy in front of my computer!! All I can think of is to rush to my bed, switch off the lights and sleep! Gosh!! That's so not me can!? - I am old! -
Not only that, my memory is also failing me like don't know what!!! No, it is not short term memory.. It is the real thing. Just a few weeks ago, Sh was telling me that he was going to Orchard the next day, and I actually ask him if he went to Orchard say two days ago.. =.=""
Tsk Tsk! Anything to recommend to me to improve my memory?!
Ps: I will be away from Singapore on Friday Night. Will be coming back on erm.. Monday night!? Not sure~ For now, I will stop here la!
Buaiz! Nightz!
9:44 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, October 01, 2007
People always say, a picture is worth a thousand words.. So.. Gonna Post up the pictures lor! =)
Here are some of the kids during the tution programme or erm.. Child Care time~

Doing assignment after much "scolding"

With Min Jie

My favourite 孩子!! LolX!! We call him Spiderman or Superman.. hahah Kawaii!! I am bias can!
Up next is during the time when we distribute the present.. my sweets.. Lolipop inside.. and all of them are fighting for the damn lolipop!! I wonder why.. - I love the lolipop too!! Especially the strawberry Cream de.. and I wonder why -

Don't ask me what they are doing.. I also dont know.

Snatching the sweets from me!! =.="""

In conclusion, sometimes, kids can be super duper rough!! =.=""" Poor me!! and Poor Sweets and Poor Min Jie!!!
9:41 PM sprinklinq love Y
Once again, I am here to update my precious blog liao.. =)
I will make a quick one for now. (in the office)
So today, 1st Oct HAPPY CHILDERN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been quite some years since I celebrate Children Day.. I want Children Day present!!! >.< hahahah
So.. Last saturday went back to MSC with Min.. Gosh!!! Kids nowadays.. I wonder what their erm.. Siblings, schoolmate teach them.. They actually say LJ and CB can!!! OMG! And mind you, they are only Pri 1 and 2, girls somemore! =.=""
I am super shock lorx!!!
And to think they say it without feeling anything, they THINK that those words are like some normal daily language you can use!! #$^@$&^ tsk tsk... What the hell is this world becoming?! If my mummi is there.. she will be very very mad! Gosh!! I just can't believe it.
After that, while on the way to Bpp to meet Yq to pass her the mooncake, we met this erm.. boy?! who asked us to buy cigarettes for him.. @#%!@#^#$&.. I don't want to risk my reputation as a good girl (vomit) just to help him buy... dumb! If you say we look old enough, I don't see the reason why you don't dare to buy it yourself.. You look as old as us la!!! =.=
Tian AR!!! WHy the world become like that!!?!?!??!
Anyway, pictures up perhaps tonight, or tml night. hehehe'
Bye!! =)
8:12 AM sprinklinq love Y