Saturday, December 29, 2007
4:36 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I am finally 18!! Whee!!! This means I am able to buy alcohol without the fear of being caught! haha! And not to mention 明目张胆的去 clubbing and Pub~ =)) I really really want to go pub and try the vodka and perhaps martini & Long Island Ice tea! Gosh! I sound so like a 酒鬼! lolx!
Hopefully if I ever get to try it, I wont get hangover! ==" Anyway, Come to think of it, the only person in the gang who will go all out trying all types of alcohol with me will be min jie ba! =) The rest don't like to drink! What a waste!
Thanks to all who have wished me Happy Birthday on 19 Dec 07! Be it on SMS or MSNs. I appreciate it a lot! =)
1) Wee Shi Hao! * Thanks for wishing me twice! lol -
2) Yuling~ Arigatoe!
4) May
5) The PIG Family~ Mr Pigger!
6) Jing Ying
7) Rebecca
8) Ah zor
9) Quan
10) Wong Min Jie - she ar!! Totally forget about it! >.< -
And many other more. Like Amylia, Ai Xia, Soon Leng... =) Arigatoe! Love you guys!
On thurday 20 Dec 07 went out to celebrate my birthday cum min jie's birthday with the gang over at swensens and bowling. Wonderful time!
A very BIG BIG THANK YOU TO TANG YULING AND SHAWN LIM. They treat the both of us and subside the rest of the gang almost 50% of their food costs lor!
=) All turn out for the event other than that WEE SHI HAO who apparently has some family committment.
Other than that, there are still some extended family members like Darrell's gf(Dee), hay's bf(moo moo), Bec's Sis(Rachel->She is almost like our family le.. so no different!), Shawn's sis(Sammi), Zor's sis(Pinky-> Kawaii desu ne!)
I will update till her. Pictures coming up. - editing the photos... =) -
I will remember my 18th Birthday forever! Thanks all for giving me such a wonderful memories!
10:14 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 14, 2007
Finally, after like a few days -one week and so to be actual -
I am back to blogging!! =))!
This whole week was a sucky week. Common Test week. After studying and slacking hard for this whole week, my brain is becoming Cotton candy le! lolx! Unable to absorb anymore. Luckily, the past papers has been relatively "EASY".
Not too bad. Able to do most of the questions, so I suppose passing shldnt be that tough. hahaha
Today was the final two paper. Yes, I am that unlucky to have two paper together. One in the morning @ 8.30am and the other one @ 1.30pm. =="" Still, manage to survive through the whole thing~
Then after the long awaited final paper, rushed down to the CSC to play bowling with my cousins~
Superly not on form today la!! And! My turkey was gone!! ==" No strike at all!! God! Hopefully, next time I will be able to improve even more!
Btw, I am on holiday for two weeks, starting frm today. And, My B-Day is coming!!! Whee!!
11:47 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 07, 2007
Finally! After the long long 3 months or so, the girls and boys have finished with that horrible, terrible, vegetable A's Level! - Cheers -
So, to celebrate finishing the A's, we went to bowling as part of our gang outing! ^^ So darn happy! Not only because I get to meet them, my best butt, I also get to play my favourite sports. Yes, that's bowling. - Currently, bowling is my favourite sport!! -
But the boo part of the outing is, we have to stop bowling @ arnd 2.30 cause after 2.30pm the place is FULLY BOOK! Gosh! I should have asked Shawn to call them and book a lane or two. ==" Retard me!
So.. We played two games. Wasnt really on form.. ==" Double gutter a few time. But as compare to the past, I have already made improvement!! ^^
The Rest, they have that hiddent talent la! Even though it was their first time bowling - a few - they can still bowl rather well.. hahaha. Well, I shall stop over here. The pictures will tell your even more. ^^
Some of our bowling strike:

Baby aka Sh younger bro has this very "unique" bowling pose.. which I conclude rather dangerous for he might injured his back! ==
Oh well, My nightmare happen again.. The bowling ball slip out.. and this is what happen.

Yes! So damn paiseh la!! Feel like hiding in a hole la!
Halfway through, the staff over at the counter accidentally press the telcom button or something, we actually can hear them talking la.. It was so creapy can! Here they are, pressing the lane 13 telcom, but they are reading lane 14 names!!! ==" Something like, when it is zor turn, the speaker will have pple saying like, cass your turn.. Or cass run faster.. =="" In the end, no one was really paying attention to the games until.... -> Darrell decided to change his name into,

and zor change hers into

This stop the whole thing, and mircally, it turn back to normal! hahah! Guess they couldnt pronounce their name or something like that. =)
Last but not least, at the very very very last game, I was finally on form because I manage to score to STRIKE continusly!! So happy!! ^^

After the game~~

The group photo! A pity bec couldnt come. If not it will really be the 全家福!sobx!!

Love them!! Mauckx!
3:18 PM sprinklinq love Y