Right.. The previous post..
Second day of new year. After all the gambling, which I won. =) We proceed to my Aunt姑姑 hse over at SengKang. Had Steamboat for dinner... =S
Then.. Continue with the gambling!!! Lol
This time round my opponent change into adults. Yep. I helped my daddy to play~ Thank Goodness My luck still ok ok. So manage to win some for him! ^^
And after that, I went home!! Home sweet home! =)
3rd Day. Venue -> 二舅hse, 姑姑hse
Not too bad~~ ^^ Tons of food to eat.. Mini Buffet over at 舅舅hse
Love the salad!! So yummy!! ^^ and not forgetting the cheese cake~~~ Hmmm~ Missing Cheese Cake!! =)
Then went over to my 姑姑hse to continue my half full lunch! ahhaha~
The soup! WOHOOO!!!! SO SHIOK!
In the evening,my tingting cousin,jer cousin, dine cousin and pris cousin cum aunt/uncle/uncle Gf CAme over my hse to play mahjong! 8 of us! lol
TingTing won quite a lot coming close to $11. Split the money with her. $7 goes to her.. The rest is mine~ Cus she help me play! =))
Arigatoe Ting Ting!!! =)))))
5:17 PM sprinklinq love Y
First of all,

Happy New Year Ar!!! Though it is quite late to say this le... =)
Today, 12/2/08 is 大年初六 lo!!! In another two more days, my exam will commerce so do wish me luck! =)
To say the truth, My New Year started on the 29 aka 29晚 aka eve of Chinese New Year(Lunar Year. Went to the market in the evening to buy the New Year stuff for the last time before the Market close for the holidays! Boy oh Boy, the people over there.. Gosh!!! =="" It is so damn squeezy. Everyone is snatching for the best offer.. =) But then, It is fun!! You get to enjoy the atmoshpere over there! 很热闹!
Follow byChinese New Year Eve, was super busy... Early morning have to wake up and help in preparing the food to 拜祖先.

Almost go craZy.. Last decorations for the living room! =)
After which my uncle, aunt, cousin came over for reunion dinner~ (父亲那里的)
Yummy! hahahah. Had steamboat!
After reunion dinner, went to my uncle hse to 拜拜. By the time I reached home it is already erm... 2am plus?! Half dead by then, but still, I came online and went on MSN chatting with my dearest dearest zor! hahaha
We actually plan to stay through the night de, but then, until 4.30am, she surrended ==; so I also went to bed as well.. =) Ps: Zor, let's have more of this chatting ok?! heh
I sleep for like erm.. 3 hours++ before my mum wake me up!!! And Ta-da it is 大年初一!

- Roar -
I love lion dance! It is so damn nice! ^^ Catch the 柑 which the lion throw! It means I will "发" for this whole new year! =) I did catch the 柑 for last year, and everything went on smoothly! Not to mention gambling period during Chinese New Year! hah!
之后就向父母拜年. ANG BAO!!! =)
Then off we go to grandma(mother's side) hse to 拜年! la~la~la~ More Ang Bao!
Of course other than this, I get to meet all my cousin. Big or Small, Old or young!
I am a Happy Girl! No much of a change la to me, cause we are able to meet each other more often compare to the cousin over at my dad's side. Chat, eat lunch and play cards.. Lose some.. Dont know the actual sum of money.
Next Station, My 叔叔 hse. Every year 初一 we will go over my 叔叔 hse cause everyone will always go his hse and gather. My God! The guys.. Change so damn much lo! Suddenly all so tall. erps... I got a shock of my life man! I am old. ==;
My niece and Newphew.. (Yes I have quite a few Niece and Newphew).
The kids over there.. Headache! We, The Teenagers.. Mainly in Sec School 2 - Poly 2 are playing cards 大老二 and they also want to play. For goodness sake! They are the oldest Primary 5 and youngest K1 can?! I was still telling Benson (cousin) when we were at that age, all we do is play those TV games.. The better one can play 21points or those 3 cards de.. Definitely not 大老二.
Not to mention when we were young, we are much more cuter and better then them!! We were so much better can!!!! - Roar -
Oh well... Kids are being spolit nowaday, what can I say?
Btw, did I mention throughout the 大老二 game with my cousin, I am the only girl?! lol
Yep. Over at my Grandma hse, I am my Grandma ONLY 外孙女. The rest are guys...But the good thing is, My 舅舅 got two girls, and our age is close. Though it is this case.. The three of us are still being influence by the guys la! Soccer, World Cup, those violent computer games.. lol!! Tsk Tsk Tsk! And we can be as rough as the guys sometimes. =)
As for my dad's side.. In all my cousins, there are only erm.. 4 girls(including me) But just my batch (born in 197X - 1997) There is only 2 girls!!! The rest are guys!! Almost 10 guys can?! lolx!! And my age gap from the young female cousin is like almost 8 years lor....tsk tsk tsk. In conclusio.. I am being grown and taught and interact with mostly guys through my childhood!!! This explain my tomboyish! =)
I think I sidetrack le!
Back to where I left off. Oh ya.. Gambling of 大老二. 1 card 10 cents, base 20 cents. I won!! Not much la, 50 cents maybe?! hahaha
But overall, I didnt really win any on the first day of Chinese New Year.
Luck will come!
Second day of New Year 大年初二
Went bai nian around the bukit panjang area before heading over to my second aunt 二姨hse.. Your should know what we going to do over there lorx?!
Yep Yep. Gamble again! =)
Will update later!
11:58 AM sprinklinq love Y
6:46 PM sprinklinq love Y
1:03 PM sprinklinq love Y