Thursday, July 31, 2008
Again, Due to something, *** can't make it.
No doubt, it is irritating and I definitely can understand how the *** feels when time and again and again *** got rejected.
Patient is definitely wearing off. Not *** fault and not *** fault, just blame it on the very bad timing.
At least try to inform early instead of waiting till the very very last minute.
I am irritated plus pissed. Try getting somebody to reject you for Nth time with no definite answer on his/her schedule. Foxtrot!Don't bother asking me what happen.
12:04 AM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, July 25, 2008
Ytd marks the end of my IS modules... This means that I no longer have to go back on Thur for the IS module anymore. * That's if I pass both modules.. lols *
Oh ya.. As I was saying previously, those who know me should know I was sick from like Tuesday? I am still sick currently. Just that sore throat is down. =)
Thanks to all those who provide me with remedy to cure my shitty ass sore throat. Tried some.. =) Not too bad la the effect.
Oh ya.. Two of my friends were sick as well. Got my virus from the lady.. The guy got it from his sis.. Condition far worse than me.. =S
Presentation on Thurday. Hopefully the tutor was able to understand what the hell I am saying.. Lols.. I was coughing and coughing and coughing throughout the whole presentation until my group mate was shooting me with question whether am I ok.. =="
Today presentation. First speaker. Still the same cough cough cough.. ==: The cough just won't go away!
And Thanks to Mr Ke Wei for sending me home from school! =) Save on bus fare and definitely allow me to go home faster to rest man! Oh ya.. Get well soon kay!!
I guess I will update till here first.. =)
11:11 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, July 24, 2008
All right.. Something happy.. Realise the recent entries are all quite emo.. ORZ.
Picked up a new skill for Photoshop. =)
The before Photoshopping..

The After Photoshopping..

Labels: Photoshop
7:04 PM sprinklinq love Y
This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye
As a child there were them times
I didn't get it but you kept me in line
I didn't know why you didn't show up sometimes
It's something more than saying "I miss you"
But when we talked too
All them grown folk things
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show because
You loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today face to face
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
"I wish I could find a way try not to cry"
As time goes by
And soon as you reach a better place
Still I'll give the whole world to see your face
And I'm right here next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
The hardest thing to do is say bye bye
(Bye Bye [3x])
Bye bye
And you never got the chance to see how good I've done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together
I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
That you can make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever
(bye bye bye bye bye bye [3x])
Bye bye
This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandfather
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye
Mariah Carey Latest Album: E=MC2. One of the song inside the album.
First hear this from Min Jie's blog.
Like the starting of it and also the lyrics.
Very meaningful. =)
First time read through the lyric, I cried.
It reminded me of my big aunt. It's been quite some years since she left us.
I still remember I was in some restaurant having lunch when my grandma called and say she left us. That was awful you know? That feeling... I didn't even had the chance to see her last time. Regret totally. We were suppose to visit her but decide against it cause her condition has stabilise and she is not in the ICU... We thought it won't affect greatly. Never did we thought her condition get worse all of a sudden...
I still remember when she first was admitted to the ICU room.. I got so frightened. My brother and me even folded thousands of stars for her and wish and hope that she will recover. She did! But... The god just want to play a joke with us. The god made her well, then made her left us... 系统性红斑狼疮(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, SLE).. The illness she contracted.
During her funeral, I didn't cried the first and second day.. I only cried out when she was going to be send to cremated... It was like, she is really going to leave us FOREVER. Your know that feeling? Someone dearest to you, no longer around.. No longer able to teach me how to sew, how to cross stitch. No longer around to tell me more about Buddhism. No longer around...
I stopped crying when momo say I shouldn't for she will not be able to leave in peace. I do want her to go peacefully. Do want her to go to the west side where there is only happiness.. I really really do. So I cried silently.
49 days after the funeral, That day we had a small prayer session for her. That night, I dreamt of her. I still remember she was standing/flying/floating outside my classroom waving to me and telling me to study hard! Then she disappear and I woke up crying...
The only time where I dreamt of her... =) At least, I still have this memories to think of whenever I miss her...
That's why, that's why I don't like the journey to the cremate place...
That's why, that's why when cass's dad passed away I went down almost everyday...
That's why, that's why when quan told me about her condition, I was that worried...
That's why, that's why when I listen to this song I cried...
That's why, that's why I am afraid... afraid that any of my dearest one will leave me... I don't want, and can't bear to say out the two words......
I am crying...
2:57 PM sprinklinq love Y
Congratulation to myself.. I am officially down with a cough, a Sore Throat and a Flu.. ==
Currently coughing like no other people business.. To the brim of no voice.. block nose..
I just hope the fever bug won't kick in as well. Dont want to spend my day in the bed. Still have individual assignment to do which is due next week.
Ps: Am I lucky or what?!
11:24 AM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Obvious the first sentence was said by all, the second sentence was invented by me.. Totally love it..lols! And somehow it rhythms.
Came up with it while I was bickering with my didi went he say that I Should just go ahead with the path instead of stopping for others to go first.
Part of it was true.. 人不为己,天诛地灭。 Who won't want benefits for ownself? But come to think of it, if all was to be this case, the world is so going to be in chaos man!
Hm.. Something for me to deep think again. =)
有时想想真不甘心!辛苦付出却得不到理解。 =X
10:39 PM sprinklinq love Y
Went for the 1 Day Local Tour organise by the church opposite. Beauty World Center with my momo and aunt...
Quite nice. Went to Xiao Mai Cao/Mushroom Farm, Qian Hu Fish Farm, Ke Yi Warehouse and some Otah factory over at hougang. Quite nice. Took some photos. Will upload once I resize them.. heh. Maybe I should go dl Photoscape. =)
As your know, I am kinda of similar to my momo... and my aunt as well, so this morning when we "take attendence" the leader was asking us our relationship, and I say:" This is my Da jie (My momo), this is my Er Jie(my aunt). I am xiao mei.. And they believe!! OMG! Am I looking old or what!? " Lols.. but they realise it after looking at our names. Surname diff how to be Sisters?!
Enjoy myself a lot! Just now went to Sakura to eat dinner. So damn full now! =))
Today is a happy day!
10:22 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, July 18, 2008
Oh well, I was busy doing my WISP - World Issues: A Singapore's Perspective Individual assignment on what I learn throughout the whole module (14 Weeks so far)
Some weeks ago, we were on this topic know as WAR. All types of war, what might be some of the reason that trigger the wars etc.
My tutor told us in 1994 in Rwanda, a race conflict outbreak between the Hutu and the Tutsi. I am not sure whether or not you guys have hear of it, but my group was totally shocked at the fact how many pple were killed within 3 months after the genocide was being executed..
"Between 500,000 and one million Rwandan men, women, and children were slaughtered in the genocidal persecution of Tutsi and in massacres of moderate Hutus between April and July 1994." Taken from
HEREShocking right!? Maybe your want to read on from the article..
It is sad.. And I am grateful that I am living in Singapore and not there.
5:18 PM sprinklinq love Y
In The Confrontation Between The Stream And The Rock, The Streams Always Wins... Not Through Strength, But Through Persistence
Came across this sentence while on the mission to find some inspiration pictures/images for Mr. Wee for his ongoing project..
Find it very meaningful. How true isn't it. Only through Presistence then can we have the fruit of our labour.
So.. This quote I will dedicate to all my friends. Lets do it together! =)
Regards, Ying Hui
8:58 AM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
If you are just want someone to do the freaking housechore, go get a maid instead... The maid will do anything and everything you say. Plus, they will do a much much better job. You don't even have to raise or shout out, they will just do it automatically.
If your are going to say, girls are suppose to do housechore.. Just Go Away.. or
Fuck off.
Sometimes I just can't understand what the heck man is thinking about.. - roar -
ANd, I am really going mad.. I actually press enter without typing in my password when I tried to log in to blogger. Crazy can! ==
10:23 PM sprinklinq love Y
Folk Dance Night as what our batch called. It is now refer as Cultural Fiesta Night.
It is no longer the old Folk Dance Night we once had in the past. As much as I could remember (That's if my memories didn't failed me), during our Sec 4 time our Folk Dance Night was been derived due to the Family/Sports Day, which the Choir Member couldn't attend due to the upcoming SYF and the whole event was actually cancelled due to the rain on that day!! =X
Went back to KSS the following year for the Folk Dance Night after we graduate I think. Can't really remember the exact date. Oh Well, things is different. They added in dances such as hip hop! WTH! It totally destory the whole damn thing! Lols!
Luckily the Mass Dance is still there. =)
Anyway, read You Cheng's blog just now on the Cultural Night Fiesta. I was shocked to know that the LOWER SEC. didn't know the steps for the MASS DANCE!! OMG! It was like the ex-kranjian and Upper Sec dancing nia. Maybe next time should change to Ex-Kranjian Mass Dance!!! Muhahaha. Aiya, I am just complaining about it. The once fond memories is beginning to fade as the years go... Sigh!
Any way to retain all memories?
6:26 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Today's quote:“说者无心,听者有意。”
The phrase:"Love You" means a lot...
Trust me I am not thinking too much. I am glad that it wasn't him who said this to me. Lols.
Aiya, I am digressing anyway. =)
Thanks to minjie for helping me to buy that lip gloss she mention in my tag.. Think I will love it. Will tell ya how it is after using. =)
Anyway, I'm going over to Island Creamery again later on. Same time. Same company, this time including Min and Zor. =) It is sooo gonna be fun!!
Hopefully they have the tiger sorbet! Heh!
And thanks to all. =).
4:23 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, July 11, 2008
11:30 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, July 10, 2008
This marks my 400th Post.
The very first post of mine was made in 13 Nov 2004. 3 years and a half has passed since this crying hamtaro blog was being set up. =)
Finally, It reach the 400th post. =)
Getting different in my style of blogging and stuff like that.
Change Ns of blogskin. From gloomy to cheerful to kawaii to anime skin's.
Lols. Anyway, This post is actually to introduce you guys one very nice song! A canto song!
好心好报 - 方力申;邓丽欣
A:落力为你好 得不到分数
他不懂爱惜你 我乐意操劳
S:我决意爱他 祝我愉快吧
伤得很重也不怕 我愿意等他
A:还看着你 (S:他会感动吗) 看你在悬崖走路
(S:他亦跑掉吗) 他却放下你 只照顾自己
S:我惯了爱他你怎样做 在悬崖还是我无退路
A:对你好 无人稀罕我好 无人欣赏我好
原来你习惯他一套 从来没有爱我 看得清楚
我知道 不必得到 不妨陪衬 但愿为你好
S:他 从来都比你差 仍然死心爱他 垂头再度听他欺诈
期求他说爱我 为何尚未等到 可能这秒时辰未到
A:是受罪也好 听听你哭诉 你说难过总比分手更好
S:我说几多的女主角 也受过煎熬
A:情况坏到 (S:他也许做到) 你信任来年一日他答应做到
合:我也似你的无从劝告 宁愿牺牲都不愿却步
A:对你好 无人稀罕我好 无人欣赏我好
原来你习惯他一套 从来没有爱我 看得清楚
我知道 不必得到 不妨陪衬 但愿为你好
S:他 从来都比你差 仍然死心爱他
垂头再度听他欺诈 而明知你爱我
我竟扮未知道 好人 恕我未能做到
A:你当我是知己 我看得到 我当你是一生前途
S:几次也是沉迷麻目 控制不到
A:怎去做 无人珍惜我好 无人喜欢我好
原来要学会他一套 从来没有 吻过 记得清楚
我知道 不必得到 不妨陪衬 但愿为你好
S:好 从来都知你好 (A:未够好)
为何他不够好(A:我不够好) 回来我又与他拥抱
合:仍然相信我会 有好心得好报 可能 到某日会知道
Love it when I first hear it from my friend. =)
Anyway, 今天的他真的真的很不对劲!!!不过这也是好事啦!好过他不理我!=)
11:11 PM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Went over to Swensen's for dinner just now together with mummi and didi! Had 2 Student Meal Deal 1 (Salmon 'N' Chicken Sandwich/Chicken Mushroom Spaghetti) and 2 Student Meal Deal 2(Banana Split/Sticky Chewy Chocolate/Chocolate Crunch and Frosted Chocolate Malt), One main course (Breaded Chicken Meuniere)
Superbly Superbly full now! Totally love it! And thanks mummi for treating us!! Whee!!! =)
Then went over to Watson to buy foundation. Bought Silkygirl liquid foundation de.. Cost me $11.90. Damn expensive!! ==" Next time gonna scout for cheaper liquid foundation but of course must be good in quality! If your have lobang pls tell me!
Next mission, buy some eyeshadow and lip gloss.. Need to have the full set of cosmetics. lols! I am getting vainer and vainer. =)
That will be all for now. Goodbye!
10:00 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, July 07, 2008
Once again, I changed my blogskin.
This time round it is just plainly because my previous skin took too long a time to load. Quote from what Minky say: "It nearer lag mine whole system."
When preview still ok. But when I save the actual skin for my blog it started to lag. =X.
Anyway, I want to give a big big hug to Ms Wong Min Jie. She was the one who did this skin base html code for me! =) Azumanga Daioh! Love this new comedy anime. =)
Spent like 1 and 1/2 hours to edit the base html code. Some differences from the original one. lols! Muack Min Jie! Pls teach me to make mine blogskin via whatever software you using. =)
It is always a pain in the ass when trying to look for skins that is to my liking.
Oh well. That's all for now la hur! Will be back with the genting trip. =)
12:11 AM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, July 04, 2008
Changed a new one.. =) Love it!! lols. Totally animation la!!
Anyway, bad news over here! Going to Genting tonight. Will only be back on Sunday la hur.
So if there is anything just drop me a mail, tag or if you dont mind paying overseas SMS, just give me a msg. =)
Such a pity! I cant join shawn and XP for the cosplay thingy. Next time bah. Take tons of pictures ok?!
6:32 PM sprinklinq love Y
他真的就是他嗎 還有可能嗎
Fate... Sometime so cute but sometime so cruel.
What will you do if you experience that?
I guess I will deceive myself that that's him. Though unfair to the other party. Who knows.
I am selfish at times. But who isn't?
来让未来的你发现我 =)
5:46 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Hmm.. as the title suggested. Realise I got one rather big blue black over at my hand on my way back home after school today. Don't know how the hell did I get it from.
Maybe someone pinched me without me knowing??
Maybe I knocked onto to the table? Who knows.
Anyway, got really fed up and angry and piss off just now when no one bother to do the tutorial. I know we all have stuff to do. But can at least take the initiative to do the FOXTROTTING tutorial right!?
Hm. Tomorrow gonna go Wisma to get my phone! Finally something worth to make my day! =)
Things isnt going very well for me lately. Hope everything will be fine. Just like what my song sang。 太阳总在风雨后。
I will ganbatte! Same goes to all those out there. For the store-man course Shi Hao is having currently. And to my kor who's having his course on-going as well.
For Min JIe who is doing very hard for her up coming A's. For bec who is trying her best in Poly. And for Lao Gong. =)
Ganbatte pple!
10:27 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
All right. As I was saying in my previous entry. I am actually suppose to be conducting this workshop for the junior - Year 1 -
The workshop was basically all right. Everything was fun, fun and more fun! Group mates was of totally coolness! =) Responsive Juniors and groups which I was assigned to.
All in all is fine.
Other than this particular class, with this particular group and this particular boy, with this particular irritating and KB attitude, who particularly irritated and piss me off badly. And eventually pissed all facilitator - 12 of us -...
And we eventually ignore that group. Since they so bored and uninterested about the whole damn workshop, then we will just ignored your. -X-##
This is what that particular group told me when I asked them to elaborate more on the example.
Guy A: "Oh no, we will be saying the examples out verbally."
Me: "But why verbally? They might not be able to digest that fast."
Guy B: "It is proven that when saying out verbally cum BODY LANGUAGE, they can actually digest 75% of it, rather than only words where they can digest only 7%."
Me: Thinking - WT*
Me: "Alright, if that's the case I expect a VERY CREATIVE BODY LANGUAGE PRESENTATION LATER ON."
After all session, 48 of us gather and all was complaining abt THAT PARTICULAR CLASS, THAT PARTICULAR GROUP.. THAT IRRITATING ATTITUDE. =).
And, the best thing is what you know. My NEW PHONE -K850I - went lagging, hanging and cant be switched on or off when it was the last session of the day. All photos taken earlier was gone -save it in phone memory - WTF!
Went to SONY ERICSSON SERVICE CENTRE OVER AT WISMA ATRIUM on Sunday before going over suntec to meet di, XP and Shawn for the Toys and Comic Convention.
Reach there at 10.30am. Thought there will be like long queue. but I was wrong. The service centre are opening at 11am la! Kana cheated by the website where they put 10am!! WTH! Waited over there. Meet this man, who's phone spoilt after 19 days purchase... kay. I more li hai. 2 weeks nia! zzzz.. He shared a lot with me... hahahaha. Will share it with ya later. New quote I learned. =)
After which, the engineer actually told me it might due to the LCD problems, thus cant be display..
So i questioned them how long do it have to take to get the thing fixed.. " Our LCD currently went out of stock, you may have to wait up to 2 weeks if it was the LCD problems." . Totally sianzation!
Oh well. Just got a call from them, stating my phone is fixed. Gonna go down on Friday to get it. Hope it is really fixed! Like tt I can go for the Cosplay Fiesta on Sunday!
Toys and Comic Convention. = let just say.. It isn't really that fantastic. lols. Not much actually. Cosplay competition isn't nice.. =( Hai wo pin so much hope.
Maybe it was because first time la hur. =) Hope the next time will be better! =))
Lesson learnt: When you want to have the best servicing for your phone or the best service from the engineers or the best offer by the company. It will be best you become a bastard or bitch at the spot during your turn in front of the engineer.
Quote of the day: It is either you are very very civilised, or you become bastard or bitch the next moment.
How true hur. Next time, if your phone spoilt, do try this tactic. It may help. Arbo, ask to confront the manager if they don't compromise with ya. hahahaha. Pls keep this within my blog. =)
1:25 PM sprinklinq love Y