Sunday, September 28, 2008
Was on the phone with Mr. Shawn some days ago. Forget what we were talking about previously, then suddenly he say, "ya, because you are the motherly-figure in our gang." Lols! Motherly-figure hur!? I don't think so. I guess I am sort of mediator job in the gang, as stated by both Shi Hao and Zor. =) Mediator not bad leh!! =)
Oh, that day was chatting with Jy and Zor on MSN..
They were saying if got things to say, they will most probably tell me first! =))
So happy!! This show I am very reliable to them la, that's why they very willing to tell me stuff.
Therefore, I have a new nickname!!! -> Secret Machine! Muhahhaha
I am crazy, I know.
So, any secret can just tell me.. I won't say it out.
I believe that if the thing is meant to be say out, it is better for that person to say it out and not me!! =)
SO happy to know them! =)
I will always be praying for your! Ganbatte!
12:00 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, September 25, 2008
11:22 PM sprinklinq love Y
Super Junior Series Coming Up!! Going accordingly to their age! Btw, in korean, they mind alot about the 敬语.


HanKyung (Han Geng - He is from China. =) )











comment pls!! =)
10:34 PM sprinklinq love Y
This whole week burn up by the part time work. T.T
It was so tiring.. T.T.. How am I going to survive the working life next time!?
Tsk Tsk Tsk. I have to learn to adapt asap sia!
Oh well, this week quite a shocking week for me! hahaha. I am sure for some of you as well. =)
Whatever it is, I will be behind as always like when we use to talk on the phone in the past!! Don't be afraid to go on, even if you fall, I be behind to catch you! =))
and... I made a series of Super Junior Picture~ (n.n)v
Post up!!! So happy! For once, I sit down and finish up a series! Not very good due to the fact it is a series, the design more or less the same. ==.
Will post up the pictures later on. =)
6:49 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Some days ago.. My MSN Nick was: 1/3 of 43% Vodka + A little bit of Long Island + Half a can of beer = Semi Wasted?
The next day, my senior came asking me, you went drinking that much?!
I was: hahahah. No la! Friends B-day party. Heh.
She: ... -.-"
Another friend of mine also ask the same thing and gave me the same reaction when I told him the reason.
Eh! What's wrong with drinking during somebody's b-day party? hahaha. All five me this face (-.-"). Very surprising/shocking that I drink meh! Tsk Tsk Tsk! Not the first time that people give me this expression when I said I want to go drinking. Even my colleague was surprise. >.<""
Seriously, What so shocking about it lor. IT IS ONLY DRINKING! IT IS NOT AS IF I AM SMOKING LA! Orz....
9:31 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, September 18, 2008
而是 爱到痴迷
而是 彼此相爱
不是 彼此相爱
6:58 PM sprinklinq love Y
Starting with last sat 13 Sep 08.
In the afternoon met up with Bec, Shawn and Mr Toh over at Novena, Velocity for mingles. I was super late! Thanks to Shi Hao who want drawing money before coming to meet me to get the matte paper for Yq's present. ==.
So the trio went over to Square 2 to get some korean snacks. AH! I also want to go la! >.<...
I had poached Salmon over at mingles. Nice!! Totally love Salmon la hur! =)
Oh boy, Shawn and I just cant stop fighting. Lols! Like I say, he can NEVER be a GENTLEMAN IN FRONT OF ME. WHY? SIMPLY BECAUSE WE ARE TOO BUDDY BUDDY LIAO!! =D
But fighting with him tend to waste loads of my brain cell cause my reaction have to be fast enough to counter attack back! Heh! Oh man! I am so evil!! =X
Thus, Mr. Toh you can forget about persuading us to stop fighting! You will fail in your mission de! For photos, refer to Shawn's blog kay!
After mingles, the three of us - shawn, bec and me - went over to CCK - Jy's house - While Mr. Toh made his way to bugis.
Calls from min telling us what to get for the very last min. - Marshmallow, Vodka and cuttle fish balls -
Bought the vodka, 43% alcohol, 2 packets of cuttle fish balls.
Totally went crazy la!!! =) With jy, min and me finishing up the whole bottle of vodka, 1 bottle of long island. Mj and I went on with half a can of beer. I was like a bit dizzy, red in face and felt hot all over after the whole event. Quarterly wasted!? or Semi wasted? I don't know.
Feedback from drinking PURE Vodka - without mixing soft drink in it -.
Walao eh! It taste like tinnier?! ==""
i totally lol after hearing their comment man! =X
Actually hor, after trying out both the vodka and long island, I personally prefer vodka sia! Weird taste. =p
Nearing to the end of the BBq session, I think Jy went too high and that Shi hao also! Despite not drinking any alcoholic stuff for shi hao case, the both of them got so high via playing cai quan.. =="" And the punishment is pour/splash ice water on the loser.. ==""
That jy keep losing sia! In the end, in order to avoid the punishment, she ended up jumping into the pool!? 0.0 Totally madness can!! Afterwhich a butt cramp. Orz...
The rest left first, leaving only xp, mj, zor, sh - who left after we finish the zhong ji mi ma - and me and of course jy to pack up. All in all, that sat was a fun/crazy/memorable day for me, and for them!!! =) Photos will be uploaded maybe this sat?! Hah!
Oh ya, we really age le lor! Comparing with the photos we took N years back then. =p
6:58 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Once again.. New Pictures.
This time round is HeeChul and KiBum.


I lost all my brain cells therefore this lousy picture. == Will try to do another one again! heh
6:33 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, September 13, 2008
As I was saying, this few days I am totally into Super Junior. =) Especially LeeTeuk. Totally love the way he smile.. Heh! Gosh! I am really mad. A picture of him. Proudly done by me! =))

Not very good in the positioning of the pictures. =X.
Labels: Super Junior
2:38 AM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
在半个小时前我看完了Super Junior Full House。
这是一个Homestay的节目。两位外国的朋友Anna,Elva来和Super Junior住了三个月。
三个月内发生了的点点滴滴,开心的悲伤的。让人看得津津有味,也看见了Super Junior私底下的另一面。
听着他们的 "You are the only one"心里浮现出来的是满满的难过。
再来就是在Super Junior Show里的滑雪那集。他们都聚在了一起说出彼此心里最深的那感触。我很没骨气的又哭了。
听着You Are The One很想很想哭的颖慧。
5:35 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, September 07, 2008
As you can see, new song over at my blog. It is by Super Junior, a korean boyband form by 13 guys. =)
This song is from their first album, Super Junior 05, track 03. I really love it alot. Hear it from their variety show: Super Junior Show.
I like how they sing and of course the translated lyrics. Very meaningful. It can be a friendship for you all, and song for him. =) Enjoy the song kay! I am going to learn how to sing this song! Heh!
All:You are the one
强仁:我爱的只有你一个 All:you are the sun
All:you are my love
丽旭:如果只能走近你 只能触摸到你的心弦
All:You are the one
All:you are the sun
艺声:我的心中始终只有你一个 All:you are my love
强仁:再走近一步 我们的距离如此之近
而我却始终犹豫不决 东海:我的胸中狂风凛冽
All:You are the one
All:you are the sun
All:you are my love
强仁:再走近一步 我们的距离如此之近
All:You are the one
All:you are the sun
All:you are my love
无论何时,请留在我的身边吧! The second song feature is also by Super Junior, but this time is their sub-group, Super Junior-H -> Cooking Cooking! A very very cute song!
Two different feeling songs.
Wonder what happen to me this few days, suddenly like such emo song. But it is really nice la! hahahah
4:02 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, September 05, 2008
Was chatting with my Amy Jie a few nights ago.
Lots of things! Thanks for listening babe! Something just isn't meant to be say to others. =)
In conclusion, guys are tend to be dum in some particular area, especially when feelings are concern. =X
11:54 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Went to watch Money No Enough 2 at CWP just now with momo and didi. =)
The whole story plot wasn't very strong as compare to the previous one "Money No Enough".
From what I hear most actually cried while watching, the truth is, I cried -> One drop of tear. hahahah. I like very emotionless hor?
Aiya, anyway the movie is nice, now I am waiting for harry Potter to be out! =)
Ps: My tagboard can tag liao, previously was due to that hamtaro cursor of mine. Heh!!!
11:43 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, September 01, 2008
Surprise Surprise! After one whole year, my ex-colleague - currently colleague - still remember me! =) Some of them leave the company already! Aww.. The HR Manager leave last Friday. Orz. Then the receptionist also leave liao. Sob Sob Sob!
Lots of new staff in the office. The environment is the still the same! Colleague will usually gather during tea-break for small chats! =)
Happy that I am back there! Haha. =)
Today's the first day. Still not very use to it! =X. Filing for the whole damn morning! I did it in a super fast speed can! =="" Then decide to slow down my whole pace. Heh. I am lazy. =p. The sad thing is, I didn't get to have my personal desk! - Rah - Plus, I don't have personal Id and stuff like that therefore cannot access to the Internet. T.T.
Oh well, I guess I will be doing lots of DATA ENTRY from Thursday onwards. Hmm, Don't really look forward to it leh! 'cause have to stare at all the figures which gave me headache. T.T Sigh! Whatever la hur! I will do what I am given! Heh
One last thing, my lips actually crack at the end of the day! Oh Gosh! This just show how dry the office is la! Gonna bring along my lip balm/lip gloss along on Thursday. Have to take real care of my lips. Pimple is popping up like no other people business. Sianzation!
Ps: How old is Jay Chou!?
10:19 PM sprinklinq love Y