Saturday, December 27, 2008

Went to Botak Jones over at Clementi on 20th together with Mj, Shi Hao and Shawn. A birthday Treat from Shawn and Shi Hao. Thank guys!!

Ordered Fish and Chip together with Shawn and the other two ordered Double Burger? Can't remember the exact name. With an additional Large Cheese Fries and Egg Sandwich?
I suppose other than the cheese fries which wasn't really up to our standard the rest are still ok. Considering the fact I didn't try the burger as it is in beef. =X
Dessert were kindly sponsored by Mr. Shi Hao who bought me Chocolate Mousses(?). Nice Nice! =) But it was kinda of sinful. =P.
After the lunch proceed to WestMall together with Mj. On the way they were singing Duffy's Mercy to me. Live band! Haha!
Anyway, the main motive of going WestMall was because Mj wanted to pierce her ears. Hmm.. But decided to back out last minute when we were over at Yellow. Who knows if her mum will scold her...
In the end the two of us bought rings. =.= Same design somemore. Gosh! We have so many stuff in common la! Similar Earrings, and now same ring.. =.="
No wonder we were born two days away nia! Heke!
Love her!

Christmas Candy from my cousin who just got back from USA San Fransico. =)
Nice Sweet! Took about One and a Half to finish the whole thing. =.="""
Thank man! =D
As of yesterday went catching the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" with Shawn and Sl over at Cine. Ah! I was late for almost 30mins. Gomenasai! Blame it on the damn traffic jam! I can practically see Shawn rolling his eyes when he saw my Sms informing him that I will be late! =X. Really very paiseh la hur!
After meeting up with Shawn at Cine, we procced over to Centrepoint for late lunch. Erm.. Lunch = Chocolate Fondue. Orz.

I like it when the whole green apple after it was being dipped into the chocolate! =) Sweet and Sour! Yummmy!
Took about One and a Half hour to finish up everything. Received Sl's SMS saying that he was reaching soon and meeting us over at Cine.
Oh! The reason why he meassaged me was because Shawn just couldn't get use to sending text message using Sony Ericsson Phone.. =.=" (Sweat!)
Met up with him outside Burger King and he looked like some Ah Pek sitting there. =.="(Sweat even more)
Received a chocolate from him. - I am so going to get sweet tooth at the end of this year. -
Wasted about 1 hour outside the Cinema's sofa... The guys were chatting while I decide to continue on with my Fifa Game. - Ps: What so shocking that I am playing this game hur!? I cannot play is it!! Rah -
Watch some trailers, there are some real nice show coming up! Heh! Red Cliff 2!!! =)
And erm.. Anyone want to catch Bedtime Stories? - lols -

Keanu Reeves as the main Lead

Him inside the movie. There is a rather big contrast when he keep his moustache and without it. With it = Man. =). I was wishpering to Shawn that he looks hot.. Lols!

The Male Lead and Female Lead(Jennifier Connelly)

Jaden Smith who acts as the rebellious Jacob, the 8 year-old stepson of scientist Helen Benson(Jennifier Connelly) who first makes contact with the humanoid alien Klaatu(Keanu Reeves).
Hmm.. One part in the movie was quite funny! Since they can communicate in English then whatever for ask them speak in chinese?! I was laughing so hard when I heard Keanu Reeves speaking in Chinese... His chinese kinda of 硬. So funny! Can't help it afterall chinese is like one of my main language other than english.
Headed home after the movie. Had the two guy to accompany me to the busstop. Plus point about being a girl. Lols.
That's about all. =)
Went to Orchard Isetan this afternoon and Pariss International buffet over at Marina Square for lunch together with my mum and bro. Used up all the 300 bucks voucher purchasing two Polo Tees for my bro, 1 bag for myself, 2 bags and a purse for mum and a wallet for dad. Oh gosh! We spent so much sia. Orz!
Slept throughout the journey back home. Too tired. Slept at 3am yesterday morning! Oh no, my sleeping time is getting funny. Better make it back before school reopens..
New year is coming! So similar to last year, New Year resolution! Going to review back my last year resolution and see how much I have achieve. =)
That's all for today! Another long long entry. -.=
11:45 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 26, 2008
Some crazy stuff that I wrote a few moments ago... =.="
Will blog tomorrow once photobucket stop giving me error. =)
11:48 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry X'mas~~ =)
Went to temple to 谢太岁 this morning. Turn out my mum remember wrongly. This year was the Rabbit who 犯太岁 instead of the snake.. =.="
Ah well, since I was already there, so pray together. =D
Just realise that if I were to count the 农历岁数 I will be 21st already and the dragon batch will be 22nd. Heh!
Just can't believe it and I just had my 19th birthday a few days ago. Orz. Getting older and older. T.T
After which went over to bugis to buy something and have my Brunch.. =.=".
Full to the brim man! =D
Head over to Bukit Timah Shopping Centre for cutting hair session. Momo said she wanted to cut her hair short... Accompanied her and ended up trimming my hair by an inch. Feeling weird now as the weight of the hair is slightly lighter.
Went shopping for New Year clothes.. Lols! 2 Jeans and 1 working pants plus 2 shirts. Was thinking of getting myself a dress, but decided against it as I won't be having much chance to wear it. So why not wait till I really need it then buy... =) By the way, the dress cost about 50 plus bucks. =.="
Went over to Shop'N'Save to buy ingredient for tmr dinner..
With this it conclude my X'mas day... Orz. Looking forward to the return of my cousins! Hopefully they are able to find the hoodie jacket I had asked them to buy for me! =)
Had a small chat via MSN with quan quan the other day.
Sometimes just a small chat can make two person understand each other even more!
It all started from one of her blog entry. The latest entry to be exact....
Throw this sentence at her over MSN: Blue referring to me... Red referring to quan.
如果真的觉得辛苦,那么长痛不如短痛。与其深陷进去才来挥剑斩情根。。。倒不如在情根未入土时就拔出来吧。可是还是得痛,是长是短,痛在我心。但,痛楚已减至最低了,不是吗?但是这种事我又如何开口呢?要怪就怪我狠不下这个心。明知不可为而为。乃凡人也悲哀也七情六欲乃凡人所为,为情所困在所难免。人家说宁劝夫妻合,莫劝夫妻离。可真万不得已之时,早点放手未必是坏事。...Have to censor some of the conversation.. Kind of private. =D
In conclusion, when compare to my situation... 我属于劝人却不能自劝。呵呵呵。
Currently crapping with A-bec...
She was telling me to jiayou.. hahaha.
Told her New Year New Resolution bah... =) I know it won't work out. So why not try to back out.也许当你退一步了,视野宽阔了。。。选择也就容易多了。放手也许也就轻而易举了。
I know I did said I will wait... 可是等了又等,我还能坚持多久?我不知道。
9:43 PM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
ho ho ho!
This is a very very very late entry hur!!
Went to Hokkaido Japanese Restaurant on my b-day!A treat from mum and of course dad also! =)
Not too bad!
But the place was kinda of ulu.. Over at turf city... Lols!
Like the name of the place suggested, it was a Japanese restaurant! So a good place for pple like me and mj. - love jap food especially sashimi!-
Nice dinner I had over there! Super full! *Burp*
That was all for my b-day.. =)
Photos for my hammie... =)

the very fat mum! I circle out the mum

Hm.. last week something traumatising happen// The mother hamster actually attacked one of the baby boy! =.=""
The poor baby's front paw was bleeding like shit... =.=
Got a shock when my bro shouted for me... I chiong down and saw the mummi biting non-stop.. She just pound on the poor little thing la! =.=
Having no other choice I have to use wooden chopstick to poke the mum and separate them.. The rest of the family just continue on doing their stuff man.. One eating, two playing, two sleeping..
The baby boy is recovering now. A small wound is still detectable at his front paw, but is healing. So no worry!
Have already separate the mum and the baby already. totally isloate the mum.. Lols! I feel like I am such a bad owner man! T.T
MS WONG! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!===========================================
Went to Shi Hao's house to play mahjong yesterday! Not too bad! Won about 15 plus dollars! Too bad we didnt play with real money... Orz!
Played Warrior Orochi with him and ate his mango sorbet! Damn nice! Planning to get myself one tub as well! heh!
Oh well.. today is X'mas eve already! How time flies... =.=
Looking forward to Friday! =D
3:16 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 19, 2008
A very very Happy 19th Birthday to myself! =)
19 Dec 2008, I am officially 19(Soon it will become 20. =.=)
May all my wishes come true! (Though some are real hard to..)
Thanks for the presents.. (Hair Curler, Hamsters by Mr. Low. =.=, HAIR DYE(?) )
A big big thanks to all who had wished me Happy Birthday~
Zerric, Shi Hao, Mr. Low, 雨记姐, Becky, Zor, Quan(These three wished me all at the same time.) Iani, Meiling, AiXia, Xin Yi, May, Joyce, Runnie and many many more... =)
A big LOVE and HUG to you guys! =)
Tonight going down for Jap buffet! Treat from momo! =)
Sat afternoon lunch treat from Shawn and Shi Hao for the dessert!
我会珍惜。。。 =)
12:07 AM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
By:约定Coffee 方针著
Read this chinese novel regarding coffee. A very nice story I must say. =) If your have time, do read it.
Was surfing through facebook a few moments ago. Was on this group known as "if you were born in the 80's in Singapore"
Quite interesting. =) All those fond memories back then.
Like the PETS textbook...Zero-Point...Bookworm Club...Using shoes whitener.. =,=
Wearing slipper and raincoat to school before changing back to school shoes when it rains...
hahaha. These things are things that kids nowadays are unable to experience. =)
I love it!!! heh!
Though thinking back, and telling them make me kinda of feeling old.. but those were my precious precious memories. =)
If i wasnt born on 19 Dec 1989...
Then I won't be me,
I won't have be in such wonderful family (though sometimes complaining about it.)
I won't become the sis of Mr. Hong.
I won't be able to be with all my relative which I hold dearly.
I won't be able to meet my primary school friends and learn to treasure...
I won't be able to know the gang...
Most importantly, If I wasn't born... I won't be able to experience all I had experience in the past 18 years or so.. Coming to 19 years. =)
Treasuring life and loving it!
I love you guys!
3:30 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 12, 2008
"Though the day is brand new, but we human are not. We are still that tired old being as we are like yesterday..."
This was what he said to me during our chat on MSN after a day of that incident. I was telling him I had not prepare for my test the following day. He said, "go prepare while it is early..." and I replied, "Yea. It is indeed early, considering it is a brand new day now!"
And the very first sentence was his reply to me.
Profound eh??? Like what he said, though the day is brand new one, we are still the old us. Nothing have change just because it is the other day.
Know my answer to his this sentence?
"But... If we can let go of the past...Doesn't that means we can be a brand new self?"
I wonder if he understand the hidden meaning of this answer of mine. Or rather "Chingu" who is reading my blog.
Ah well, whether or not he understand, I guess the outcome won't change for the time being.
I am looking forward to my birthday! Don't know why, but I am anticipating it a lot this time round. =) It is not as if there will be some surprise party or something like that. Maybe because someone had promised to get me a "Cushion" as my present bah? Hopefully that someone won't forget all about it. =.=
I have to say a very big THANK YOU to MY GANG who bought me the hair curler and straighter as my Birthday Present! Love you guys! Muack! =)
My hamsters do know how to eat! 7 of them and I had to feed them twice daily. =.=
Ah! The food is depleting at a very fast rate... =.=
Ps: Any one have unwanted hamster cage? Maybe can give to me... =) Too many hamsters, I just have to separate them to ensure all hamsters get enough and balance "meals". Two of the babies are kind of malnutrition... Hmm... Hope they will be alright while I am away. =D
Ps: I will be away from Singapore starting from Today till Sunday Night. Contact me only when things are really that urgent! =) If not... Heh!
Better get some sleep now. (3.30am)
Have to wake up at about 8 plus to clean the hamsters cage before handing it to my cousin to take care of them while I am away, Follow by packing of my language.. T.T... Plus charging all my electronic gauge lest they go battery flat while on my way to my destination, not forgetting my cap as well! =)
Bye! See your soon!
Pictures of the hamsters will be up once I get back to SG! Heh!
Going to miss your!
3:09 AM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
I am currently the Mother of 1 Adult Hamster and Grandmother to 6 Baby Hamsters. =.=. Please don't doubt what you are reading right now. =)
All this started yesterday afternoon when I received 2 missed calls from Mr. Low.
I was kind of shocked to see his name flashing on my phone as we are not in the same class for this semester.
Called him back and he told me whether I want hamster…
“hur? Hamster? What hamster?”
Then he told me he found a cage of hamsters at his void deck… and if I am not going to take in the hamsters he was so going to feed them to the cat… =.=.. OMO!
So being the very kind me, I decided to take in the hamsters… So Ta-Da…
7 hamsters… I am so going to kill myself if they decide to go incest and get pregnant…
Which I sincerely believe they will… Rah!
11:55 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, December 05, 2008
What if one day, you fall in love with another girl...
What if one day, you told me about it...
What if one day, I can no longer treat you as how I am treating you now?
What if... I decide to tell you how I feel?
Will everything change?
Will you be ignoring me from then?
What if one day, you decided to give up on hoping...
What if one day, you decided to disappear...
Will I still have the chance to see you?
Will my standing from behind worth while?
Will you be able to realise? That I am still back to square one after all these years?
不得不佩服我那能预知未来的能力呐! =。= (真是自愚的白痴)
少数的人都知道发生了什么事,不知道的应该也多少看得出来吧? (又不是白痴和文盲)
他应该明白了吧,虽然到最后的结果有点糟糕。 -o-“
我怕来不及 我要抱着你
直到感觉你的皱纹 有了岁月的痕迹
直到肯定你是真的 直到失去力气
为了你 我愿意
动也不能动 也要看着你
直到感觉你的发线 有了白雪的痕迹
直到视线变得模糊 直到不能呼吸
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜
而你在这里 就是生命的奇迹
也许 全世界我也可以忘记
就是不愿意 失去你的消息 你掌心的痣 我总记得在那里
我怕来不及 我要抱着你
直到感觉你的发线 有了白雪的痕迹
直到视线变得模糊 直到不能呼吸
让我们 形影不离
如果 全世界我也可以放弃
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜
而你在这里 就是生命的奇迹
也许 全世界我也可以忘记
就是不愿意 失去你的消息
你掌心的痣 我总记得在那里
我们好不容易 我们身不由己
我怕时间太快 不够将你看仔细
恨不得一夜之间白头 永不分离
如果 全世界我也可以放弃
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜 (至少还有你)
而你在这里 就是生命的奇迹
也许 全世界我也可以忘记
就是不愿意 失去你的消息(我不愿意)
你掌心的痣 我总记得在那里
如果 全世界我也可以放弃
至少还有你 值得我去珍惜。
疯子慧留 (读书不读书跑来写一堆有的没的。)
12:29 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Went Island Creamery with Quan, Quan's Bf YQ and zor yesterday afternoon. =)
I was a few minutes late, the three of them were already inside waiting. =X. They were punctual I must say!!
Not too bad! At least the ambiance is cosy enough to chase away all the discomfort between zor me and him. =)
Ordered mud pie and 2 double scoop and of course my all-time favourite Black Forest! =) Too bad, the rest of them don't like that flavour. =X
Anyway, while bitching with them... Zor and Quan helped me to do something which I will never be able to submit up the courage to do... =.= But I am regretting now, maybe I shouldn't had let zor to "salvage" the situation as it kind of jeopardise the whole situation instead of saving it. =.= Still, I must thank them for it! =) Love you girls!
For more information, can refer back to quan's blog. =) I am lazy to blog further about the whole event. =)
Today went to catch the movie "Wild Child" With jy and mj over at Causeway Point. Nice movie I must say, though the plot was kind of predictable. =). Sometimes watching this kind of "brainless" movie is quite nice. Relieving of stress and emotion especially after the talk with quan last evening which kind of made me downcast. Enjoy their company! =) Sometimes even the smallest matter can make one smile. =) Thanks babe! =)
Contradicting as the two of you had said...
Is it or is it not? =D
9:55 PM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Continuation~ =)
Which event am I at already? Lols! Ah! Remember liao! =)
Forth event: Doing of project in school lib.
This time round, we have to do a project through ROLE-PLAYING! What the hell! That’s the most hateful part of it! =X
Started the whole project with script writing… Not too bad since I use to write story in the past, this part it is rather easy.
Secondly, I am in charge of acting… ==; Just kill me!! Whatever it is la hur, it is already over.
After the whole acting and filming, we proceed on to our lecture, while waiting for the lecturer my friends and I decided to go to toilet and take pictures.. == I really need the toilet, the other 2 just go there for fun.. and of course taking pictures…

The Temp Cam man, producer and director
On our way to the lecture hall, there was this army career exhibition… and doggie!!!

Fifth Event: K-Boxing with bro, cousins and aunt~
So fun that day! Just love their company! =) But then, I am so darn broke afterwhich. No picture for this event cause they are way too shy for pictures. Orz!
Last event for the past weeks…
Hotpot Culture with the gang!!!!!! AH~~~~~ Anticipating for it since the whole thing was being confirmed! Don’t know how long didn’t see all of them!
I had tried to curl my hair with my present that the gang gave me. The effect was rather not too bad! At least my hair did stay there for the whole outing and I didn’t even use hair spray/gel or whatever you called which makes your hair stay the way they are.
First thing met up with zor and xp to take 77 together to Marina Square at about 4.15pm. The whole bus journey took about 45 mins? Can’t remember and towards the end of the journey, the bus driver just have to stamp on the brake making me bang towards the seat!! Wth! So darn painful can! T.T
Reach Marina Square just nice at 5pm. Called Shawn, or was he the one who called me? Either way. Can’t find where they are. Marina Square is like so big can! He said they were at Sesame Street, look through the directory no such thing, then realize he was talking about the centre stage where they are having this sesame street road show.
Oh ya! Before meeting up with them, I was telling xp and zor how we will be late if we are meeting up with zor before heading off to the actual venue la! (Point proven through Shi Hao’s blog! =) )
Reach the centre stage and there they (SH, Jy, Shawn, Mj and Yq) were pic taking already!!! Result while waiting for Darrell Yeo and Ms SQ2 who will be half an hour late.

I love my hair! See how it curls?

Them meeting before coming to Marina Square

They really look like mother and son.. Mj, you aging so fast!?

Yq and Sh holding on to the present from Shawn from Hong Kong! I got a blue onE! Same as SQ2

Finally, after don’t know how many minutes, Mr Dar finally arrive! Off we go charging to the Hotpot culture! We are so determine to tear down the place can! Once we settle down, order the soup broth and start on with ordering the dishes… 11 of us, two table, two list filled with the food coding. Conclusion: “Oh Shit” from the waitress who got a hold of our order forms! I laugh until I peng…
While waiting for the food to come and the uncooked food to be cooked…Another round of photo taking…

Not long after we settle down, our sq2 reach. Miss her!

Zor being abused by the trio again.

Abuse her one time is definitely not enough! One more time

No idea what she was doing at that time -> after effect of the abuse?

finger chopstick!?

Busy eating all the food that was being deliver late. Zor very poor thing la! Have to force food down her throat cause we kinda over-order the food. That bec ar! Very honest sia! Sh have already manage to push all the food to the other table to save us from being overly full, there she was, admitting that she was the one who order it..

beautiful sq2

The granny, The mother, The son

Happy family~


There was a failure picture before this.. That Shawn just had to stick out his head when I pressed my capture button. WTH!

After finishing tearing down the place, we initially plan to head off to the Esplanade for some photo taking, but alas, Becky can’t make it for it. Her dad was already over at suntec city waiting to fetch her home. So decided to find a place where it is large enough for all of us. Thanks a lot for the guy who is willing to take the group photo for us!

Finally, after such a long long time! Another group photo! Love Love Love!!
Some random photos..

End of blogging! Loads of memories waiting to be kept deep down in my heart!
Ps: I am thinking of washing out the group photo.. Any takers?
9:08 PM sprinklinq love Y