Saturday, January 31, 2009
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Losing Someone You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either! |
Being Alone | |
Disappointment | |
Death | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Looked down on | |
Commitment | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Your Result: Ocre and Gray Dolphin Sea! You're a very hearty person being a good friend. You attract many friends because of your lovely personality, but you're sometimes pretty weird. Your soul mate is the Bronze Goat. You hate the Peach Pig. |
Silver and Red Wolf | |
Blue Fox | |
Red Jaguar | |
Tan Giraffe | |
Teal Cat | |
Gold Falcon | |
Yellow Trout | |
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Your score on this personality test was 67% Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
Personality Quiz
Take More Quizzes
Thank for Eriku for putting up the link! =D
10:59 PM sprinklinq love Y
Just finsih completing one final report which is dead due next week.
One more to go and I will be offically project free. =D
Anyway, Exam up on this coming Monday. Haven touch a single page of it.. Lols!
I guess I am going to spot the topic again. Hmm. I mean referring to past year papers.
So for now, I am preparing Cassandra's Chew present using Photoshop CS3.
Pray hard that I will get use to it hur! =D
需要 - JS 《小娘惹》插曲
只能在心里做个记号,直到哪天 遇到,还会是同样的味道,
12:00 AM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, January 30, 2009
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!
#1. Completing all her Projects that is going to be dead due like next week?!
#2. Anime Lover over here. (Naruto/POT...)
#3. Is hook on to the game call Tribal Wars
#4. Is ditching Jap for Korean Currently.
#5. I have been from Alto to Tenor during my choir life... =.=" - Why is my voice getting deeper and deeper?!-
#6. Plans to go for mani/pedi soon after my shitty exams!
#7. I may be allergy to abalone plus lemon tea.. and the eyelid will be like gold-fish totally swollen.
#8. I once got food poisoning due to too much of wheat grass juice... and had 2 injection just to cure it.
#9. I used to get gastric flu once every half a year.
#10. I was surrounded by all male cousins during childhood time.
#11. Referring to #10: That's why I am 3/4 boyish and 1/4 girlish..
#12. I am discussing to go where for lunch with Eriku now!
#13. I am into Korean Music/Culture/Language currently.. Sarang Haeyo!
#14. I can't play audtion - or any games that have to do with fingers - because I can't coordinate my fingers.
#15. 7 hamsters at home.
#16. Wants to learn driving.
#17. I likes to reminisence the past. =)
#18. "Last minutes" is my middle name while Eriku's middle name is "Sudden".
#19. I have friends who love me for who I am. =)
#20. I am superly random and people know it! =D
#21. I always fail incline pull ups haha!
#22. I love Photoshopping pictures, designing pictures and maybe Photoshopping people as well!!
#23. I am 1/4ly acoholic... From beers to wine. And I have good drinking partner.. Yesh, Eriku it is you.
#24. Japanese Food yesh! =) And I do have someone who share the same passion as me!
#25. I do have lots of similarities with Eriku. no wonder we were born two days apart! =) Semi-Twin eh?!
11:58 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year to all! =)
Just came back from house visiting not long ago. Totally shag..
Slpt at about 4am plus and woke up at 7 plus am... =.="
Had a little nap over at my uncle house. Can't take it anymore... plus my mum and cousin Benson is also having a nap in the room.. Lols!
Simply can't resist the temptation to get a nap.. Lols!
Now officially part of the 老人团. But come to think of it... It is normal I guess cause the cousin age gap over at my dad side is quite diff.
The oldest cousin we had is like 30+, follow by 28++ with kids... - This is what we called the first batch -
The second batch is namely the ending of 80's babies(2), beginning of 90's(5?)... - I am the second batch -
The third batch is those who are currently in primary sch, kinder garden and nursery!?
See the age gap? Over 10 plus age gap in btw.. Orz.
Anyway.. Tmr will be another round of House Visiting... =)
More Ang Bao! Lols!
11:18 PM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sentosa with the girls and guy on one of the saturday dating a week or two back.

Was told to meet over at VivoCity at 11am in the end all were late other than Shawn who was earlier and Jing Ying who had valid reason *Had tution beforehand*. Went over to VivoMart to purchase some snacks/drinks before heading over to Sentosa Via the Tram. Second time I went Vivo with friends. First time was to the secret receipe...

While waiting for Shawn and Jy to return from BK.

Went over to Palawan Beach as we thought that the 4c-ians will be over there. Erps. In the end they were still at Darrell's House... =.="

The monkey quan!?

Despite the sky been that gloomy, I still manage to get burned. What is this world coming to!? Plus I remember I did put on sun block this time round! >.<

Forced Kiss.

Body-Building competition I guess. =D

Getting ready for their Jump Shot... 1,2,3 Go~

Hmm.. Zor didn't get her timing right... So it appears as in Low, Middle, High. Ps: A thousand Year of Pain should be KakaShi's Copyright la!!!

Resting after some games...

Mediacrop have "The Little NyoNya" We have "The Pandan Cake" And this was not the only one.

We proudly present to you "The Little Ang Ku Kueh" Lols! Kudos to this photoshoot! It is really nice la! Heh!

Taken before we decide to leave Sentosa. Can you identify who's is who's?

Tried a new way of photo-taking. Apparently the cameraman wasn't very use to this way of shooting as all photos after this were deemed as failure.. =.="
Despite some of us didn't manage to get the tan we wanted, still it was a very fun fun day! Love their companion! =D
Moving on, it was the New Year DAy Countdown Mini Party with my cousins, uncles and aunites. =) Had steamboat this year. I remember portion of the gang came over to my house last year as well for Shi Hao's army farewell. Lols! =D So fast, One year is gone.

Home-Made Curry by my grandma.

Healthy Steamboat?! Lols!!!

Near to the ending of the SteamBoat Dinner
And after dinner~ MAHJONG!

... Didn't really play cause there were too many players around. Lols!

I like this type of mini gathering! So Fun!!
Chinese New Year is coming, so It means another round of bonding with relatives! =)
Before New Year went over to Marina Square Pariss buffet for lunch with mum and brother.

Chocolate... Damn Sinful!!
After the lunch head over to Isetan Orchard. Bought a bag for myself. =D
Happy Happy!
For now.. School work updates:
For now, All the projects are at least 3/4 done. What left will be the final written report and final presentation. =) Lastly, Exams that are starting on 2 Feb, 9 Feb, 25 Feb and 27 Feb. Don't ask me why are there such a big gap in between cause I don't know it myself as well. Lols!
Oh well, wish me luck kay! =).. After exams will be my 7 weeks long holiday. =DD.
Ps: I want to go for classic pedi and mani before CNY. Any takers? I know Mj and Jy are interested... =) Maybe I can go get myself a new pair of shoe? Muhahaha!
2:46 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Had another round of spring cleaning this afternoon.
Supposedly to start last week somehow the my plan got delayed. =X.
Clean up my room after helping my mum to scrub the very dirty sofa. Now the sofa look so much whiter and cleaner! =) *That's the point of cleaning la hur!*
Started with the very little corner of my room, the place nearer to the window and computer desk. Sort out all of my earrings, cosmetics product, facial product, hair clips... Dusty yes, messy yes, cleaner and tidier after that definitely a yes! =D
Big construction when rearranging my earrings. All the earrings got mixed up... have to re-pair them up again...

Arrange the earrings according to the length and shape. Do until I almost give up.
Final Product:

Counted the number of earrings I have currently -> Close to 40 pairs.
If I am to change one pair per day.. I can wear for 40 days without repeating... =.="
Still, this won't stop me from purchasing more earrings. *Two pairs of earring gone missing... And they were from my cousin who bought for me specially in Shanghai. kick myself for it!*
Cleared my wardrobe as well. Like finally!!! All those worn-out clothes...
Oh well, my day was spent in cleaning the room. Tired Tired.
I will move on the other stuff for now.
Friday 16/1/09 was a very tight day for me.
Firstly, I had to submit the consolidated survey for my final year project. 1 hour before the deadline I still had 6 blanks... Requested for a delay in the submission time. From 12pm to 5pm. =) Love my teachers and group mate!
Afterwhich rush down to Chong Boon Sec for one of my module Project *HRA*.
Delivery of workshop to the Sec 2 NPCC students. Bloopers here and there. First we don't have the projector cable wire, next our training materials went missing one page. Rush to the bookshop to re-print and the copier went jamming like hell. =.="
*Met this Sec 1 boy outside the bookshop. He was buying textbook and we started chatting! =) Cute boy! He was asking me what am I doing in his school(due to me not wearing their school uniform and I have the vistor pass). I was telling him I am here to deliver a workshop to the NPCC students and he was like:"Oh! The teambuilding workshop! I got hear from them." Lols! Before he went off, he was asking, so this is the first and last time you will be here? Not coming next week? I told him "Yea. Last time! So you won't be seeing me anymore.." and he say a byebye and good luck to me! Aww! Nice boy! Real Warming la! Maybe, not all kids are as naughty as what I think.*
Went back to the room and final preparation... The pictures shall tell more.:

Our Powerpoint slides. I did all the animations and pictures finding! =D

Training Materials and Student Evaluation Form plus Laptop(Duh)

Settle Down

Activity 1: Helium Stick. The students got all high over here. =D

Activity 2: Hangman and the winning team for the group. For this, trust between each member is very important... After all three groups tried out, they actually asked us to demo again for them. Eventually we won. =) (Of course! We were the one who came up with this choice of activity... =D)

Debrief session. What they had learn through the games. =)
After the session ended, debrief session for us by our tutor.. Lols!
At least one module project is 3/4 completed. Whatever left is the weekly update report and the final written report and presentation? Don't know.
I think I will stop here for now. Shall continue tomorrow. =D
11:21 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, January 15, 2009
2:08 AM sprinklinq love Y
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A very very big big thank you to Eriku for this wonderful blogskin! =)
Anyway.. Quite a few event to blog about... -> So many things, so little time... =.=
So I suppose I will blog all at once next weekend.
Let me finish up my Solution call presentation (Individual Project) due on tue, Final Year Project that is due on wed, and lastly delivering of workshop on Friday (Grp Project).
Thank goodness one of the project have finish and presented. =) If not I think I will go all crazy.
That's more or less what I have to do and to complete by next weekend. Meanwhile just wait bah~ =)
Just watch the 5 mins Littlt NyoNya.. Oh man! It is so stupid!
I would rather there is no this so-call ending la! >.<# Rah!!
9:44 PM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Solbi - 像星星一样
太遥远 非常暗淡的光芒
在蒙眬的目光中 我总感到抱歉
现在要把你忘记 forever
我不明所以地假装着 forever
永远地闪耀着 为了你
远方呼唤 独自一人
要往遥远的地方去 有时希望在漆黑的夜空
像星星般美丽的爱情 当你迷路时
这样地守护着你 forever
我不在也能生存 像星星
只能微弱地闪耀 为了你
忘记我也能生活的你 偷偷地
想守护着 forever
这是我的最好 像星星般
在无边的尽头 给你照亮
像星星般 永远爱你
Ps: It is a Korean Song.
Cried out the first time I listen to the song. Perhaps it was due to the video that I am watching and this song came out as the background music.
Cried the second time while playing it on my com. Somehow the melody just hit my tears gland.
3:38 PM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
An anonymous author once said, "love can't last a lifetime, but true love is for eternity"
As for the coin problem. I finally solve it!!! =)
hahah. Blog more later on!! I shall go off for my Warrior Orochi 2! =D
I am getting more and more boyish~
2:42 PM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, January 05, 2009
The answer to the previous question. =)
10*3 = 30----->他们付的钱
30 – 25 = 5----->因为特价25元,要退5元
5 – 2 = 3----->服务员从5元拿走2元,于是还3元
30 – 3 = 27----->原本付了30元,拿回3元,现在付了27元
27 / 3 = 9 ----->27元除以3,每人付了9元
※【9*3 + 3 = 30 】 → 每人出9元乘以3等于27元(这是他们付的钱)加上服务员还的3元,等于原本的30元。
因为题目后半部(表示每个人只出了9元买冰淇淋90*3 +服务员的2元 = 29那剩下的1元呢????)
这是不合理的因为他是把立场设在服务员没拿钱的立场故9*3 = 27是要加上老板的3元而不是加上服务员的2元懂了吗??
Hope your understand! =)
The other question
There are 8 identical coins, 1 is heavier than the rest.
How do you identify the heavier coin using the beam twice?
Question sponsered by Jy.
I asked quite a number of people, all of them said they need at least 3 tries...
Same as me! Lols!
3:14 PM sprinklinq love Y
Friday, January 02, 2009
Saw this tricky question on some chinese forum...
三个人去冰淇淋店、服务员说要30元每个人就各出了10元,凑成30元。后来老板说今天特价只要25元、于是叫服务员把退的5元拿去还给他们。服务员想说自己暗藏2元起来,于是就把剩下的3元还给他们。那三个人每人拿回9元10-1=9表示每个人只出了9元买冰淇淋,90 X3人=27元+服务员的20=29元,请问...那剩下的1元呢?
Try solving it and tell me through tag bah!! =)
My bro solve it after telling him once..
Asked zor and the both of us couldnt get it.. =.=
Ps: Will be putting up the answer in a few days time! hehehe!
12:53 AM sprinklinq love Y
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year Everybody! =) 2009 is here! =)
Like they say, New Year = New Resolution. Heh!
So let's see how much I have completed for my last year resolution. =D
2008 Target~:
1) To complete my diploma as date.
2) To Learn GuZheng 古筝
3) To have more courage. =)
4) To learn to rmb the fond memories and push the lousy memories away.Fine. I suppose other than point <1> and <4> are being completed... =).
Well at least it isn't like what shawn had predicted.. Heh!
So 2009 Resolution:
1) To live everyday as it is the last.
2) To take things easily.
3) To treasure all I have now.
4) To brush up on my Japanese and hopefully my korean as well
5) Erm... Courage still? =D
Oh well... read this book and chance upon this:
I like how it was being written.
Oh.. Someone message me.. and when I replied back.. no more replies back to me.. =,="
Going to hunt down that person and ask what he mean by that message. No head no tail...
Last! Happy New Once again!
I think I better get some slp soon! It is going to be 4am soon. =P
2:05 AM sprinklinq love Y