Saturday, February 28, 2009
Hi Girls and boys! =)
Sorry for all the dust that is accumulating over the period where I go MIA! Heh!
Anyway, My exam were finished~! - like finally -.
So.. it is time to go blogging.. but before that, let me settle my computer as I reformat it.. =D.
So.... Just wait bah!
11:38 AM sprinklinq love Y
Monday, February 23, 2009
11:59 PM sprinklinq love Y
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
mianhamnida/Miyanae(Sorry in korean language) for the lack of post this few weeks.
Busy with revision/videoing for relaxing time and editing of photos... I have more than 100 photos to edit.. All accumulate from chinese New Year to the latest Mad Jack Session with the portion of the gang. Heh!
So... I think I will be back officially by next friday night where I finish celebrating my last paper.
That's all!! =D
Ying Hui who is hook on korean language. =D
2:27 PM sprinklinq love Y
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Finally I have time to write some decent post. =D
If you notice the previous entries were short and doesn't mention much about my current life. It is mainly due to me being lazy to update properly and I am busy with my HRA written report and my Integrated Project report for the past weeks.
Anyway I am so glad that it is all over now!!! =D
First time getting all stressed up due to project. During that period I really felt like dying.. No kidding! Slept at 4am on Thurday just to finish up the whole bloody report. Shag.
I think I need to go for some time management. =X
Enough of projects... Let me post some pictures up!
Went visiting Microsoft over at NTUC Centre on 23 Jan 09 with my Hr Cohert.
Met my dear Amy Jie over at the MRT station. =D I am missing her!
Took some pictures with my dear friends outside the building while waiting for the others to come...

For some reason, I became her SweetHeart! =)

Love them all! =)

Part of the HR cohert

Our HR Cohert! Together with the speakers of the day

Lecturers of our BA school. The three circle lecturers are my lecturers! Love! They are so nice!! =D
Shall stop over here. Continue on sunday... after tomorrow's cny house visiting!
12:18 AM sprinklinq love Y
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
11:26 PM sprinklinq love Y