都说是冲动了呗... 妈妈时常告诉我“冲动真的是魔鬼。做事千万要十万分的冷静。”
所以... 当冲动来了,冷静在旁...我就冷却了。 (这句话好诡异。)
反正;对着你心动也不会影响到你~ -摊手-
11:48 PM sprinklinq love Y
Well, Just had my first week of school.
Totally can't get that studying mode back.
In fact, I am still unable to adjust back my sleeping time. Q Q
I am like so dead can!!!! >"<
Anyway, guide for assignment and reports are coming in.. So I think I will undergo another period of madness once more, maybe till final exams is nearing.. Opps.. Which is going to be like 3 months later?! = =
Oh and I am having headache whenever I am looking at my finance notes. Nabei! So many calculation!! But thank god there aren't no reports to do, except for a 30% class test. So not so bad I guess.
When it comes to report writing, I guess I am so much stronger in calculation! Hah!
So yup. Anyway, been busy for the past days rotting and rotting and more rotting. XD
And I finally decide to trim my damn long fringe, the outcome? Short... And blocking my view. Orz
Welll. Just a really short one! Kekeke! Till the next time then!
11:42 PM sprinklinq love Y